This is not the thread for this but for me 1803 runs just fine, but if you want to wait you can stay on 1709.
@Enthousiast, i know this is not a thread to ask this but please tell me how can i stop win 10 auto updates , i jus wana be on win 10 1709 its stable for me, i had already tried group policy method , nah its not working for me , its keep on updating after few days , tried metered connections , even this method fails
In Settings / Windows Update / Advanced Options you can delay update for up to 365 days in PRO. Do you have Pro ?
Yeah, i forgot that since 16299 this reg key no longer reflect kernel version tag Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion] BuildLabEx
Is there a version of your ESD Tool that will give the correct ISO Name ? esd-decrypter-wimlib-25, esd-decrypter-wimlib-28,esd-decrypter-wimlib-32 etc. ?