This months batch of updates seems to be out now, for Win10 "1607" it's a security update for Silverlight and also one for Adobe Flash player for IE "KB3188218" and a cumulative Win10 update "KB3189866" nothing on the Windows update history list yet at Microsoft's website. EDIT: Now there is. Improved reliability of Windows Shell, map apps, Internet Explorer 11, and Microsoft Edge. Addressed issue causing push-button reset to not work correctly and roll back on devices with language set to any of the Unicode languages. Addressed issue causing devices to crash after disconnecting an e-reader that was attached to the device. Addressed issue causing devices to not recognize a Secure Digital (SD) card if it is inserted and removed multiple times. Addressed issue causing some apps to not respond to the commands in the app bar in Windows 10 Mobile. Addressed issue that sometimes blocks alarm notifications in Windows 10 Mobile. Improved support for using the camera app in Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise. Addressed additional issues with rendering 4K resolution, missing Start menu tiles when running on battery, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, Bluetooth compatibility, graphics, display rotation, app compatibility, Wi-Fi, Feedback Hub, Miracast, Windows Shell, revised daylight saving time, and USB. Security updates to Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Graphics Component, Windows kernel, and Adobe Flash Player EDIT: From .105 to .187 though this number doesn't mean much from my understanding. (Next major update should be that 14901 build whatever the final number might end up at, possibly 15xxx ?)
No i have not 3188128 replace both 3189031/3174060, and it's not possible to list two updates in one line nevertheless, the win10 changelog is mainly a guideline, tracking updates supersedence is easy with MU catalog
Do you have a reason for not offering in WHD: kb3176935 kb3176937 I've seen them being downloaded during an upgrade, not when clean installed from boot. (trying to keep track )
Just did a test with a fresh updated 14393.187 (without the 2 mentioned kb's). Installed 7 SP1 HomePremium, inserted the newly made iso and upgraded, no updates were downloaded during upgrade (checked the checkbox for downloading updates). So we're back to 3 integratable updates plus one installmedium dynamic update ps, weather app works now