Any idea how to import these into WSUS? The normal method of finding them at is not working since July 15.
KB3074679 is cumulative and is the only update needed, as of now (based on its contents). Even the couple of components that are updated in KB3074686 are already included in KB3074679 (same version number). KB3074674 and KB3074686 may show as being needed, but they're superseded by/included in KB3074679. It's like when Windows Update in Win8.1 or Win7 pushes out stuff that's old. There'll probably be another cumulative released in the next day or two that will make all these current updates uneeded also.
how to get the direct cab link? i only get the psf and express cab link. as a pool adminisraor, i need download all update cab/msu from windows 95 to windows 10.
NOT this KB3074679. (I always remove before re-check updates.) KB3074679 (Security update) KB3074674 (Security update) KB3074686 (update)
Yes, this KB3074679 I extracted all the manifests from KB3074674 and compared them to KB3074679. Everything from KB3074674 is included in (or updated in) in KB3074679. Everything that is in KB3074686 (manifests for 3 components) is included in KB3074679. That's why it's called a cumulative update. See my post above. Those other two updates may show as being needed, but technically, they are not needed since their contents are included in or updated in KB3074679. It's not a big deal though.. There are going to be many more updates released between now and the 29th.
If Windows Update says they're needed, then keep them installed. (I guess we don't have a choice now in Win10 .) I'm just saying what I see at a component level in the updates. Windows Update does the same thing in Win8.1 and especially so in Win7- it wants to have certain older updates installed even though there are newer updates installed that make the older ones superseded.
It could just be that the update servers don't know that everything has been superseded. *shrug* only ms knows why they still list these things. I do know that they don't set pending flag tho, so installing them both and then doing a resetbase won't net you a huge image. Of course there's not a whole lot of point because you'd just have to remake your image in another day or two with the next patch.