Hello Everyone, I have a question in regards to slipstreaming the updates. Given I have KB3074674 as .msu and both KB3074679 and KB3074686 as .cab do I need to slipstream them in a proper order, or will the tool know the order itself by simply using Code: dism /image:[directory] /add-package /packagepath:[updates directory] Thanks!
WindowsUpdate install update in this order: Kb3074674 -> 3074686 -> 3074679 I have integrate in this order.
Thanks, but out of curiosity, if I specify a directory where all updates are located, how will DISM determine the order of installation?
No, you must specify the path and the file name. Example: Code: dism /image:f:\install /add-package /packagepath:f:\Kb3074674.msu dism /image:f:\install /add-package /packagepath:f:\Kb3074686.cab dism /image:f:\install /add-package /packagepath:f:\Kb3074679.cab Otherwise DISM install in sequence of KB and with priority to the .cab file
Thank you but a bit confused now. Given same files were modified by several updates, how DISM tool determines which file to apply from the package?
Thanks for all the answers - very informative. Even if overtime system will get 1286 updates, in theory they can be dropped to one folder and DISM will apply them correctly? I also have a question if there are any precautions I should take into account if I want to use DISM to mount wim, as well as DISM to commit updates but wimlib to create .wim file (due to nice compression) and to create iso?
No, if you have all update in cab files is correct, but if you have msu and cab files mixed is necessary using the sequential order otherwise Windowsupdate required to install the kb3074679, because the update KB3074674.msu is last installed.
Out of curiosity I have tested this at this very moment. It is true that in case there are mixed .cab and .msu files DISM will get .cab first then .msu last (even though in this case .msu had older files). If I unpack .msu and extract .cab file out of it and DISM has all the .cab files in one directory it then applies them in order of naming basically. There is also a possibility that the order in which DISM processes .MSU and .CAB files physically does not matter as during the application process it decides either to apply OR skip the file from the archive, basing on their versions. Would be most logical way. In that case as abbodi1406 said, they can be all applied from one command.
Yes, but it's recommended not to integrate more than 100 updates in one dism session and the number would be lower if some updates are big-sizes none that occur in my mind just export/rebuild wim after integration
This is not true. I was able to specify directory only and it integrated them all without any problems.