Thanks for verifying time to add a warning with W10UI.cmd and maybe an extra option to choose between full ResetBase (Remove) and standard ComponentCleanup (compression)
At least it's now possible to burn the completed ISO on standard DVDs. I was really hoping to have the reset base option... I just can thanks for it.
After the w10ui script ran (with or without resetbase enabled) just run abbodi1406's WIM<>ESD script and it will fit a standard DVD5.
I still like to edit the image file. install.esd are not editable as far as I know. Thanks for the idea, though.
Note. Only x86 available at Update-Catalog.. Greets smiler10 see "Addressed issue where File Explorer does not refresh changes automatically when using RemoteApps on Windows Server 2016" so x64 is surely coming, as WS2016 is x64 only
if you want to integrate win10 cab files into the win10 iso, do you have to enter these 3 command lines necessarely on win10 installed machine or you can run these commands on another OS like win7 or win8 ?
yes i want just to be sure about this, so do you confirm that i don't need windows ADK to integrate win10 cabs into win10 iso successfully using the 3 command lines either on win8 or win10 machine ?
I sent you the link for all considering WAIK for 7, the download link was as a service to you (and i made a mistake, 1 by posting it at all and 2 by accidentally the wrong link), but it seems you didn't even read the info on the first link.