So I can safely remove the setup files + patches which I downloaded when I still had Win 7? Would all the future versions & fixes offered via WU? Also does Windows 10 automatically download monthly updates on patch tuesday or after few days of release?
Yesterday i was thinking, new iso's will there be a new ssu soon? ps, why is the ssu not showing up at WU?
@Enthousiast same here. after installing KB4051963 and doing a reboot, windows said that KB4054022 was already installed. -andy-
Therefore maybe we should not include SSU when integrading using W10UI? So what's the logic of providing the SSU separately then?
I integraded CU KB4051963, FP KB4048951, and SSU KB4054022 using W10UI_3.7 into Windows 10 1709. Seams there was no issue. Hope I get some time and do a test install. Also, it seams some of the files in KB4054022 are not included in KB4051963 when extracting and comparing them. So I assume we should integrade both.
Have you try to update from 16299.15 ISO (Sep 2017) and 16299.64 ISO (Nov 2017) make 16299.98? What is different result (i.e update time or updated ISO size)?
Maybe my question is a lack of explain. Question is there are two way to make update 16299.98 approach. One: using 16299.15 ISO (Sep 2017) + KB (16299.98) = 16299.98 ISO Two: Using 16299.64 ISO (Nov 2017) + KB (16299.98) = 16299.98 ISO Now what is different between these two ISOs, respectively? Is it a save time to update or ISO Size small or bigger?