Do they share services with Facebook? Facebook had a pretty bad outage today, likely part of a broader outage.
I have a customer on Windows 10 20H2 but this update will never install KB4571756 I googled the issue and many are having issues with it. Other customers though had it installed just fine I don't know whats going on. I tried the DISM restore / check health commands and everything is ok. Is there a way to completely wipe/reset the Windows update components on his laptop so he can maybe install it? all his drivers are up to date by the way.
quick way to reset WU press Win+X -> Command Prompt (Admin) or Powershell (Admin) and enter: Code: echo . taskkill /t /f /im trustedinstaller.exe /im tiworker.exe /im wuauclt.exe /im sihclient.exe /im usoclient.exe /im mousocoreworker.exe bitsadmin /reset /allusers net1 stop wuauserv net1 stop bits net1 stop cryptsvc cmd /c rd /s /q "%SystemRoot%\system32\catroot2" cmd /c rd /s /q "%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution" net1 start cryptsvc net1 start bits net1 start wuauserv echo . Sometimes wuauserv remains in limbo and cannot restart, so enter the same commands one more time, it usually fixes it. Won't fix broken/blocked WU by various software and scripts, in that case you need an in-place-upgrade like Enthousiast mentioned
Did you do the inplace upgrade using the 19041.508 ISO when you successfully uninstalled the 20H2 EP?
Enthousiast, you really did a good job of steering Spartan in the right direction about this issue. I have uninstalled the EP several times, and performed in-place upgrades after that, and it has worked every time!