SOLVED FOR ME - following these steps: 1- installed - Windows Repair latest version and repaired !!!! 2-Installed Advanced System Repair Pro - scanned and repaired !!! Reboot !!!! Update from windows with this : windows10.0-kb5001330-x64_48f2955cc5688bf56b32be1cca4cd1f02f1d36e2 DO NOT WORK !!! Update with ISO 19043:906 from running windows 10 this time SUCCEDED with no BSOD Now I'm on 19043.928 working good !!!!! All programs and files keeped !!!!!!! Have a good day everyone !!!!!!
@fch1993 : v1507 ( used by 2015 LTSB) need updates integration in "audit mode" in a vm then capture as install.wim v1607 ( used by 2016 LTSB) x86 need SSShim fix to allow offline updates integration v1607 ( used by 2016 LTSB) x64 no problems
any help ?? thx
Trying but it seems not to work independently, the Cleanup System Image feature. This system has its updates already installed. I just want to clean up.
Old info working very well only on older versions which I think was specified by @abbodi1406 few times already. With current versions, base components are removed and rollback to an earlier LCU is extremely difficult if not impossible without full reinstall upgrade in place. If rollback is not required, no switches are needed and regular clean up is OK. What I say is that delta compression is no longer working.
Do we still need the switch SupersededActions 3 for the delta compression for the non LCU updates to work or is the default fine? Primarily asking for the 1904x versions but for 1809/2019 as well.
Thanks. I am trying to test the default behaviour now in 19041/2004 online. Obviously this would apply only to .NET Framework Updates. Flash is obsolete and will not test and SSU is more complicated as require .mum editing for proper results. I will skip SSU testing. If I will get any relevant results, I will post here. Are there any values for the SupersededActions documented anywhere, other than value 3? I am aware of value 3 being documented in C:\Windows\servicing\Editions\WimBootConfig.ini for various editions. e.g. LatentActions values 0 and 1 are documented as they are different for Windows 10 and Windows 8.1. What about SupersededActions which I see only value 3 being documented.
As promised, I come back with some findings. On 19041.1 online with 2021-01 SSU, 2021-02 LCU, 2020-10 .NET Security Update and 2021-02 .NET Security Update, there is no difference between SupersededAction set at 3, set at 1 or default, which is value not in the registry. In all 3 instances, after running dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup, LCU becomes the new base and cannot be uninstalled while the .NET Framework components become delta compressed. 2020-10 .NET update is uninstalled in the process, while 2020-02 update can be removed gracefully and rolled back to the base .NET Framework components from 19041.1. So the obvious conclusion from my perspective is that it is best to leave the default configuration of the Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Configuration registry key. The SupersededActions value may not matter at all on an online image of 1904x.
@ch100 None of SideBySide\Configuration registry values is really documented SupersededActions: 0 = no affect 1 = no affect if DisableResetbase 1 1 = remove superseded components if DisableResetbase 0 (break future LCU installation on 1903 and later) 2 = no affect 3 = delta compress
To me this looks like DisableResetbase should always be 1 in the first place. I don't see a valid reason to have it set to 0 at all. The SupersededActions value is separate even if it overrides the DisableResetbase value in some instances.