KB3093266 contains flash player, and it supersede kb3087040 i assume when you ran dism /reset-base it uninstalled it
thanks. so stupid WU installs a superseeded update. it seems that this stupid behaviour won't get fixed.
who said this? it is not disabled. please dont spread false information. you can do a resetbase in an online system. with offline images windows 10 updates set pending flag. so it is not possible with win10 offline images.
May i ask what the reason for 1. ? if because servicing stack update is permanent, it can be removed with a simple trick modifying its main .mum file
You will need a cmd with TrustedInstaller token (google NSudo), or take ownership of the .mum file - go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > View installed updates, and leave it open - go to C:\Windows\servicing\Packages and search for the main .mum file for the update, example: Code: Package_for_KB3081452 - now open the "super" cmd, and use notepad to open the update main .mum taking KB3081452 x64 as example: Code: notepad C:\Windows\servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB3081452~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ - from 4th line, delete permanence="permanent" Code: <package identifier="KB3081452" applicabilityEvaluation="deep" releaseType="Update" restart="possible" selfUpdate="true" permanence="permanent"> save the file - back to Installed Updates, right-click on the update entry and it Uninstall will be available (you may need to Refresh the view) of course you have to have the newer servicing stack update installed and better not to have any updates pending operations to avoid reboot[/B]
Yes because of the permanence. I am aware of the .mum modification, but as previously dicussed with you when running Win 8.1 On each occasion when looking at the .mum file for files that were giving me trouble I was unable to locate any section refering to the "Permanance" state. At the time you suggested that it may have had something to do with the use of the Reset Base option. Have not bothered with that method since then.... but will now revisit (Thanks abbodi) Edit: Thanks also for the refresher
Hi I installed Windows 10 Pro RTM X64 about a month ago and because i don't want windows to updates itself, disabled WU through Group Policy. then i download and install the following updates offline: kb3081449, kb3081452, Cumulative Update kb3081455 and kb3087040 for IE flash player (by checking here to know which updates i need). now i want to install new Cumulative Update kb3093266. Should (can) i uninstall my previous Cumulative Update: kb3081455 and then install new one: kb3093266? or just install kb3093266 without uninstalling previous Cumulative Update? and if yes, how to uninstall? just uninstalling through: Control Panel\Program and Features\Installed Updates is enough? or there is something else i should do? And i read your recent comments and find out kb3081449 superseded by kb3093266 and kb3087040 exists in kb3093266. should (can) i uninstall them too before installing it? Thanks a lot
Does the GDR (update.mum) , LDR (update-bf.mum) system still apply in Win10? I'm using more or less the same script to integrate win10 updates to install.wim unless someone here tells me its not fine.
biatche: MS must be phasing out the LDR branch.. Nothing with LDR has been released for Win10. Even with Win8.1, only the .NET updates had LDR. A lot simpler than it was/is with Win7 updates.
Been a week now and no new updates. Perhaps will be combined with Patch Tuesday. My policy is to generally now ignore this weekly update (since we do not know what is in it and one hardly sees any change). Just skip 1 and install the next, and so on.
Installing new updates makes the newer-version components as the active components (sxs winners) and then uninstalling superseded updates won't affect the status of components whereas uninstalling superseded updates first will revert active components to older version, then installing new updates will change active components to new version too much unnecessary servicing, and could cause errors if other updates depend on a specific components version