is KB3081452 really integrated in Build 10240.16393? Update: i have mounted image and checked myself. yes it is already intergrated. so we don't need to integrate this.
hello guys i have aquestion, i downloaded all files with whdownloader for windows 10 but i dont know how install .cab files please if someone can help me windows10x64
Found the esd files, it skipped my attention. Now i can play again Does this change anything with applying your diskpart & apply image script 1.2.8 to boot.wim and or files?
I used this esd file to create a Home ISO: 10240.16393.150909-1450.th1_refresh_clientcore_ret_x86fre_nl-nl_54dc6fc4345e8911351d0b23a8e44630349a9dc1.esd I mounted the iso and i did the "get current version" command, it showed 16384 :S Info: Code: WIM XML Information: --------------------------- <WIM> <TOTALBYTES>2617676787</TOTALBYTES> <IMAGE INDEX="1"> <DIRCOUNT>15168</DIRCOUNT> <FILECOUNT>79669</FILECOUNT> <TOTALBYTES>9235318068</TOTALBYTES> <HARDLINKBYTES>3932666848</HARDLINKBYTES> <CREATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01D0EB83</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0xBB891604</LOWPART> </CREATIONTIME> <LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01D1078C</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0xC0E0A636</LOWPART> </LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <WINDOWS> <ARCH>0</ARCH> <PRODUCTNAME>Besturingssysteem Microsoft® Windows®</PRODUCTNAME> <EDITIONID>Core</EDITIONID> <INSTALLATIONTYPE>Client</INSTALLATIONTYPE> <SERVICINGDATA> <GDRDUREVISION>20150909</GDRDUREVISION> <PKEYCONFIGVERSION>10.0.10240.16384;2015-07-10T02:27:46Z</PKEYCONFIGVERSION> </SERVICINGDATA> <HAL>acpiapic</HAL> <PRODUCTTYPE>WinNT</PRODUCTTYPE> <PRODUCTSUITE>Terminal Server</PRODUCTSUITE> <LANGUAGES> <LANGUAGE>nl-NL</LANGUAGE> <FALLBACK LANGUAGE="nl-NL">en-US</FALLBACK> <DEFAULT>nl-NL</DEFAULT> </LANGUAGES> <VERSION> <MAJOR>10</MAJOR> <MINOR>0</MINOR> <BUILD>10240</BUILD> <SPBUILD>16384</SPBUILD> <SPLEVEL>0</SPLEVEL> </VERSION> <SYSTEMROOT>WINDOWS</SYSTEMROOT> </WINDOWS> <NAME>Windows 10 Home</NAME> <DESCRIPTION>Windows 10 Home</DESCRIPTION> <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Home</DISPLAYNAME> <DISPLAYDESCRIPTION>Windows 10 Home</DISPLAYDESCRIPTION> <FLAGS>Core</FLAGS> <WIMBOOT>0</WIMBOOT> </IMAGE> </WIM> What murphy78 said was ok (thanks again), and i also see this: Code: Package Identity : Package_for_KB3093266~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ State : Installed Release Type : Update Install Time : 15-10-2015 21:12 It seems that, after integrating all updates in an offline image, it all can be /resetbased or /startcomponentcleanup only /resetbase worked, and the x86 home wim file grew about 60MB (this sounds to good to be true, can someone please confirm my finding(s)?). Edit: Buildlabex: 10240.16545.x86fre.th1.150930-1750 (Installed fully updated 16393 ISO)
The image version will show 16384. It doesn't update the image version unless it's a new compiled version. The 16393 esd files just have a servicing stack and cumulative update pre-integrated so they're not re-compiled.
Thanks Murphy78, I've also downloaded the x86/x64 iso from the mediacreation tool and the esd (> wim) file also contained the kb's..1452 and 1455 so it's also the new ISO. One more question about this update for /sources (kb3097626), catalog says it replaces the former updates but does that mean you don't have to copy the files over from those earlier /sources updates or is it enough to only copy over the files inside the cab from the latest version? edit: I've compared the files inside the cab from kb3081454 and kb3097626 and they contain the same files, the only change was that kb3097626 contained newer versions of the files, so i think i can conclude that only the newest files are needed
Actually, the delta version 16384 (refered to as ServicePack Build in wim info) can and might be updated without whole new build recompile this version is determined by the version of kernel32.dll in the image and since this file hasn't been updated yet in win 10, the version stays 16384 if you wants to verify this (kernel32.dll in win 8.1 hasn't been updated since last image with november rollup KB3000850), you need to use win7 image integrate update KB2871997-v2 and save the wim, then check info, you would see that SP build version has changed (i suggested KB2871997 because it's shared between x86 & x64, but there are updates that have newer kernel32.dll, latest is KB3063858-x86 / KB3088195-x64)
So I'm just understanding it incorrectly. New compile would change version number, but an update could also do that?
New compile changes the delta version for all files (like the leaked chineese iso) it's treated as new complete build, even if the main build version is still 10240 an update only changes separate files delta version, and they will be recorded in the system as updated, not new files to simplfy the case take this famous registry value which many think of it as a version for whole system whereas it only reflects one file version: ntoskrnl.exe Code: reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v BuildLabEx the wim file have similar situation, it would report new SP build version only because it reflects the version of kernel32.dll it doesn't matter if the whole image is updated (new delta version), or just kernel32.dll is updated
Boyz, i only wanted to verify if the refresh esd file/mediacreation tool downloaded iso's, contained the correct wim because cenghizan reported that his wim image version was 16393 but he meant buildlabelex, i think It still shows 16384 and that's correct. Thanks to the both of you for the info