I did an in place reinstall of enterprise ltsc 2021. updated it to 1865 and when i try to install the ep it says not applicable
installed 1865 update and have no problems if u add EnterpriseS to update.mum then the ep will install.
^ All that "hard work" just to have some specific numbers displayed in a handful of places... I think you need a different hobby. Something to do with gardening will fit you nicely.
what will be the best choice for use as base when update EP windows 10.0-kb5015684-x64 on a I have been using 19044.1826 to upgrade from to 19045.1826 is that ok or any better version suggest.
I was wondering why UUP doesn't let you build 19045 natively yet. I guess that will happen when this is more "official". I built an up to date 19045 image and installed over the top of one of my systems to test it out and got a really strange bug. On reboot all of my desktop icons had both double vertical and horizontal spacing. Manually changing the values in the registry didn't fix them (instantly reverted). I had to change my desktop theme to a different one and then changed it back, that let me adjust spacing again. Trying the same thing on a different system to see if this was a random glitch or an actual problem.
We were wondering about the WU links, @abbodi1406 got from WSUS, were online before UUP had them available, usually they first go on the IP RP channel for a while. You can easily create a 19045 ISO by UUP dump, just create the UUPs folder and put in the 22H2 EP, start the download and it will be integrated during conversion.
Yep, I know, I was talking about it being natively offered. I tested that bug and it looks like a super corner case. You need to have a thunderbolt connected 4K monitor set to 150% scaling and then do an in place upgrade. I have a feeling that all 7 people the in the world that this applies to probably aren't going to make this a high priority fix.
Even though I installed an image built with these updates yesterday, I was offered the update via WU, no reboot required. I think this is just a case where MS wants the files staged in servicing\LCU (which they are now). I've noticed this a lot when you install clean. You get the last update offered again but the install does not require a reboot. I was also offered a MS store update, don't see a difference but I rarely use it so I probably wouldn't notice if anything changed.
I have also noticed this. If you download and build a UUPDump.net ISO, and then install it, then Windows Update will offer you the last LCU. It seems like a real fast update without a need for a reboot. I've been watching this happen for a year now. It must be that the WU server doesn't fully recognize that one is using the latest version of Windows. Otherwise, it wouldn't offer the last LCU again. I don't have a concrete answer for it right now, but I share in your observation.
Check your C:\Windows\servicing\LCU. When this happens you will see a new folder created matching the time of the fake update.
Interesting. It also seems to only offer this LCU update just once. I haven't had any problems running Windows 10 after the update. Just this curious WU behavior.
Since it hasn't caused any trouble with execution of Windows 10, I haven't paid close attention to it. But I do have a vbox client installed, and it may be occuring during an inplace-upgrade.