I'll appreciate little help. I want to integrate updates to (iot) LTSC 2021 (19044.1288 3 in 1). Which minimal no. of files do I need. Are files from uupdump here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-hotfix-repository.57050/page-739#post-1836794 enough?
When you use the Release Preview updates to create an uptodate ISO, these updates will be integrated: Code: 1/5: SSU-19041.4467-x64.cab [SSU] 2/5: Windows10.0-KB5015684-x64.cab [Enablement] 3/5: windows10.0-kb5032906-x64.cab [Setup DU] 4/5: windows10.0-kb5034232-x64.cab [SafeOS DU] 5/5: Windows10.0-KB5037849-x64.cab [LCU] This should be ok.
Can I merge windows 10 19045.4472 aio (made with uupdump) and LTSC 2021 19044.4472 (made with WU script) into one ISO (one install.esd) and how?
first convert your ESD to WIM for both images then export any index to another image, convert final WIM to ESD again if you want winre.wim might increase the file size, so it's better to include one of them in all indexes also, you can't compress the final image well if the builds are really different, so make sure both have been updated with the same updates set and cleanup+resetbase applied
1. dism /export-image your-aio.esd/wim /all aio.wim /compress:max /checkintegrity 2. dism /export-image ltsc.esd/wim /all ltsc.wim /compress:max /checkintegrity 3. dism /export-image aio.wim /all install.wim /compress:max /checkintegrity 4. dism /export-image ltsc.wim /all install.wim /compress:max /checkintegrity 5. (optional) dism /export-image install.wim /all install.esd /compress:recovery /checkintegrity This should be it.
you can use this small script with wimlib it extracts winre.wim from the 1st index and then adds it to all indexes Code: @echo off reg query HKU\S-1-5-19 1>nul 2>nul || (if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b)) pushd "%~dp0" set "_wimlib=bin64\wimlib-imagex.exe" %_wimlib% extract install.wim 1 Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim --no-acls --no-attributes echo. for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in ('%_wimlib% info install.wim ^| findstr /c:"Image Count"') do set images=%%i for /L %%i in (1,1,%images%) do %_wimlib% update install.wim %%i --command="add 'winre.wim' '\Windows\System32\Recovery\winre.wim'" del winre.wim