For those two that are having explorer.exe crashing did you guys upgrade Win10 to 1511 ? Or was it a fresh install of 1511 ? I fresh installed Win10 Enterprise N 1511 and don't have any issues, I also integrated the latest cumulative update and then turned it into a "Super LTSB", I then made the ISO burned it to a disk, Unplugged the cable modem, Installed it, then once I disabled Windows Update I turned the cable modem back on and lastly installed all my drivers.
@drew84 In my knowledge .NetFX 4.6.1 (KB3102436) is not needed on build 10586. It was not offered via Windows Update to me and also manual installing is not possible as it says it's already installed. I tried it on clean build 10586.0 install also. It is only needed for build 10240 and Win7/8/8.1 only.
What is the command with DISM to "install" hotfix Online? I tried with this one but it does not work Dism /Online/add-package /packagepath:E:\WinUpdates\Online (updates in the Online folder) Thanks
I have mostly heard of it occurring due to a bug in the IDT High Definition Audio Codec's Control Panel applet (IDTNC64.cpl). Uninstall the IDT Audio software and install the default Windows 10 Version 1511 HD Audio drivers or install the latest version of the IDT HD Audio Codec drivers.
Arf ... I do not remember I use a script (to force LDR installation on Windows 7 but it works in 10) to install them
dism cannot install .msu packages for online system, only .cab so, extract them first of .msu files, as example: Code: mkdir E:\WinUpdates\Online\temp expand.exe -f:*Windows*.cab E:\WinUpdates\Online\*.msu E:\WinUpdates\Online\temp Dism /Online /Norestart /add-package /packagepath:E:\WinUpdates\Online\temp rd E:\WinUpdates\Online\temp
Thanks If I use this command in a batch like this, it's good for any hotfix, I suppose? Code: @echo off mkdir E:\WinUpdates\Online\temp expand.exe -f:*Windows*.cab E:\WinUpdates\Online\*.msu E:\WinUpdates\Online\temp Dism /Online /Norestart /add-package /packagepath:E:\WinUpdates\Online\temp rd E:\WinUpdates\Online\temp Pause
Yes if you don't want to strict that path, you may use this, it will install any .msu & .cab files found next to the script: Code: @echo off reg.exe query "HKU\S-1-5-19" 1>nul 2>nul || goto :eof cd /d "%~dp0" if not exist "*.msu" if not exist "*.cab" exit mkdir .\temp expand.exe -f:*Windows*.cab *.msu .\temp copy /y *.cab .\temp Dism /Online /Norestart /add-package /packagepath:.\temp rd .\temp pause