Up until now, I had no need to convert WIM files to ESD (usually it's the other way around). You can try it yourself. In your batch file, add the following code: Code: SET Logfile=%~dp0\DeployLog.txt SET peYEAR=%DATE:~0,4% SET peMONTH=%DATE:~5,2% SET peDAY=%DATE:~8,2% REM Initialize the DeployLog file TYPE nul > "%Logfile%" echo Date started: %peYEAR%/%peMONTH%/%peDAY%, %time%>> "%Logfile%" . . . echo Date Finished: %peYEAR%/%peMONTH%/%peDAY%, %time%>> "%Logfile%" Then after you've done the procedure, open the DeployLog.txt file and calculate: Time finished - Time Started = deployment time (or conversion time, in your case)
What comand can i use for convert from wim to esd with one comand? i have to convert 60 index on install.wim I used this one: "dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"d:\install.wim" /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:"C:\install.esd" /Compress:recovery" and i typed each time for every index. Thanks
Not sure. Perhaps it's because your trying to write to the root c:\. Try capturing into a subfolder. ie, c:\tmp\install.wim
Code: 0x80070003 ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND The system cannot find the path specified. is the virtual disk vhd or vmdk?