Hi Guys Please help me out Need unattend.xml strings for these steps Windows 10 Enterprise 1703 15063.540 x64 1 Windows 10-2017-08-25-13-22-03.png Windows 10-2017-08-25-13-22-03.png Windows 10-2017-08-25-13-22-27.png additional Hindi keyboard ( code i will figure out ) en-US keyboard is primary 2 Windows 10-2017-08-25-13-23-29.png tick Respond when i say "Hello Cortana" then Yes 3 Windows 10-2017-08-25-13-23-36.png Accept Thanks in advance
Thanks for reply buy didn't work as i expected in terms of additional keyboard <SkipMachineOOBE>true</SkipMachineOOBE> removes all user inputs
Yes, you were being nice, and I was being honest. My comment was not intended to discredit your post. If it's a very basic answer file you need, then sure, that generator will create one for you without the need of installing WSIM or extracting a catalog from an OS. That said, just running through that generator I can already tell quite a few of the numerical entries for the system's location are incorrect (as an example, a few add an entry for tablet devices and not laptop/desktop). Its FirstLogonCommand entries are also a hit or miss (baffles me when there's only two registry entries it changes). I mean really one could create their own universal answer file for any install they want by simply creating their disk configuration and simply adding a variable like %ldHostname% as the <computername> on the specialize pass so it generates a device-specific name for any machine. But again, to each his own.
When I run this command onto a mounted image, the output specifies "Editions which can be removed" so I am guessing I'd be able remove unwanted ones, such as, from the Core index output I get: Code: Staged Edition : Education Staged Edition : Enterprise Staged Edition : EnterpriseG Staged Edition : Professional Staged Edition : ProfessionalEducation Staged Edition : ProfessionalWorkstation Let's say, I want to get just a ProEdu edition using /Set-Edition command and then remove all other ones: /Delete-Image deletes only the image index itself, the edition relative "files (sorry I can't find a better term to use for)" contained into the install.wim still remain, and still occupy space. I found this other --even more undocumented-- command /Remove-StagedEdition described as "Removes a staged edition from the image", but all I can get using it, is the message "The option is unknown". I wonder, if it really (still) exists (deprecated, maybe?) and how to properly use it, hoping expert coders around here knows more about. Also, I'd like to know if it has really sense to remove unwanted editions from an image, sounds it might with multiple editions, that is, if it reduces overall install.wim size. Besides, I am aware about compressing and optimizing commands, or else, exporting just the one edition I need in a new file and then replace, mine is just plain curiosity. Thank you in advance edit: there! I got it now: those are not meant as standalone commands. @abbodi1406, I knew you have all the answers
I tried that and few other commands (like Remove-StagedEditions, Remove-UnavailableEditions) it seems those staged edition are ment to be removed when you upgrade to target edition, not by themselves
Thank you for help and sorry for mistake. I did all that but the installer says I need an 800mb download from Microsoft to continue. I can't do that because of my s**t internet thus I was looking for some customization help or tricks or tips or if there's an offline uploaded file that I can avail WADK for Win 10 outside using a faster connection.
Final reply on this matter: use the reflect downloader provided on the official web-pages, you can cancel the download of the winpe10 and resume it later.. this is handy with a laptop, to use on different locations with better and faster internet connection.. just make sure to NOT delete the cache,when it asks to delete the download cache,when you press cancel,or if the connection drops. depending on which you chose, 32-bit or 64-bit, you will end up with a .zip file called: pe10_1607x86.zip or pe10_1607x64.zip .. (Don't get me wrong,I'm not trying to be rude, but the above is really the solution you need )
If there is no portable media, like USB\DVD\BD, is it possible to boot ISO from HDD to install Win10? Or maybe somehow mount install.wim on HDD and somehow use it to fresh-install Win10 normally?
If only I wasn't spoiled with my PowerShell scripts. Code: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted; .\Image-Apply.ps1; Import-Module -Name .\Image-Apply.ps1; Image-Apply -SourcePath $PSScriptRoot\DeploymentShare\LenovoW10.wim -DestinationDrive W: -Edition Professional -UnattendPath $PSScriptRoot\StartToOOBE.xml -RemoteDesktopEnable -Package microsoft-windows-netfx3*.cab -Feature Microsoft-Hyper-V /ALL NetFx3 -PassThru -DrivePartitionStyle GPT -Verbose
They put another nail in "copyprofile=true" in sysprepping machines. The Start tiles no longer carry over, it will always create that obnoxious default set. The remedy is you *have* to use that LayoutModification.xml file (google it) and stick it in either the default user or Administrator (if you're still using copyprofile=true for other reasons, like I am).