Thanks, can you send to me : please
So I give up, is not possible to me to install the last LCU, is worked yesterday and not today, DISM have a cache ?
I try also, like your example and I get the same error, maybe the Reconstruction have a issue, I build with EN-US base and in lp folder I extract the FR-FR language pack esd
Thank you my dear, but only my build from yesterday is successful, in French the OOBE privacy crash on the Raspberry Pi...
No. The Professional install.wim and language pack have to be in same language. xx-XX install.wim and xx-XX language pack. e.g. fr-FR Professional install.wim + microsoft-windows-client-languagepack-package_fr-fr-arm64-fr-fr.esd.
Oh no.... I want to scream lol I don't have install the language pack the first time, maybe that's why the OOBE Privacy crached...
You have to learn to 1. Follow the instructions carefully, 2. watch the script running to see if there's any issue occured.
4. Run Abbody-EnterpriseS-19041.1-arm64-repacked\full_build.cmd as Administrator --> 1. Use left-button of the mouse to click full_build.cmd once 2. Use right-button of the mouse to click full_build.cmd --> Use left-button to click "Run as Administrator"
That is in ISO\sources. You have to add it yourself. After the updates are being integrated, you can add IoTEnterpriseS key before unmount. Then change install.wim wim information as Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC 2021 IoTEnterpriseS Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC Dism++ is convenient.
Once reconstructed successfully, no chance to crash again. OOBE Privacy. Do you mean License Agreemnt? If yes, while reconstruction, I am used to copy the corresponding one into \Windows\System32. \Windows\System32\xx-XX\Licenses\SKU\ _Default (Retail)\license.rtf OEM\license.rtf Volume\license.rtf