That's funny...I don't know you personally. Nor have I ever spoken to you personally. Do you feel that my posts are singling you out? :MJ
It's not malicious; hence not malware. The sending of data is part of the agreement. Don't like it? Don't use it.
Hmm, so you are saying that Windows 10 is Malware is like word salad and Asberger's and Vladimar has issues and coo-coo bird drivel bing-bong but despite all of that ... Windows 10 is Malware? Because if so I agree, and thanks for staying on topic. Otherwise, you'd just be an Enemy Agent of Microsoft thread crapping off-topic drivel in a thread with the topic of "Windows 10 is Malware" and not confusing this thread with the "MJ and Vladimar Make Mad Passionate Love After Fighting Over Windows 10 is Malware, and Pirithous Wants to Hide in the Closet and Watch", because being an Enemy Agent of Microsoft is an illicit thrill too. Oh, and Windows 10 is still Malware.
Well, you can just create fake person. You don't have to give them your personal data. They do not force you to do this. Of course if you want pay for some apps you need give your CC data etc. But if you're very afraid just disconnect from the interent Because most apps spy on you and browsers too. Even tho Google call "Incognito Mode" they know which sites you visit with this mode, thats why devs call it "Porn Mode"
Does anyone honestly believe that your ISPs are not sending your visit info to others? Do you think that VPNs do not? Do you think that proxies do not? If you don't, why?
Here the Enemy Agent of Microsoft has a side-conversation with an unfocused element in the thread, trying to make the conversational topic "Enemy Agent of Microsoft's Use of Latent Personality Characteristics (Attention "Seeker")" as a means by which to derail and sidetrack a thread titled "Windows 10 is Malware" in order to prevent people from talking about the fact that Windows 10 is malware.
And here the unfocused element takes the bait and sexualizes the thread, in order to distract attention away from the fact that the topic of the thread is "Windows 10 is Malware".
Gotta give it to vlad hes the best logic-troll I have seen in awhile sadly his do as I say not as I do posting style quickly exposes him
no such thing your safe, carry on lol vpn like hotspot shields get you flagged right away and some put to monitor your activity
Here an Enemy Agent of Microsoft asks several really interesting but off-topic questions in an overt attempt at side-tracking and derailing the thread, whose topic is "Windows 10 is Malware".
It' s definitely ENOUGH here. Moderation, is this serious that he can act here like this, by directly impending members ??????????????
Get a grip moron back track your remarks and that things remarks in past posts... like I have said to you bud watch your step...remember you FUD comments? we are on...
Here an Enemy Agent of Microsoft endorses the malware by reminding people of Microsoft's good character, and good intentions. He says "Sure, they're sending a fiber-optic cable up your butt, in order to record every single detail of your colon and then give that information to anyone that is willing to pay for it, but they're not MALICIOUS about it! Heck, Microsoft just wants what's best for everyone. They have pure hearts and clean hands, and are really wonderful people." And then: And then: But not one single word about how Windows 10 is malware, which is the topic. In case you've all forgotten.
Declaring people enemies solves nothing. You're an enemy. There; feel better? We're enemies. Great, now what? How does this help the privacy issue in any way?