@AcuraTML Stop! Enough! You've been doing the same thing for many hours now just fighting away and harassing members. Youre getting yourself in some hot water right now
I don't call Windows 10 malware more "crapware", Imho, since Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, they just break the principe of liberty without asking before, and i 'm happy with Windows 7, XP, and linuxmint, we all know that these big company, Microsoft, NSA and folks are here for make business, spy, and collects personal info, this is the world where we all live, but fortunately and for now they can't take my thinking. So everybody have different opinion, it's just mentality. Other writing language are not allowed here, it's a shame for me that i could be more explicit. windsman.
Here another Enemy Agent of Microsoft (probably one we've seen before under a different, more disposible account) attempts to use profanity and the illusion of conflict in order to bait/induce a Mod or Admin into closing the thread, because they are starting to realize that all their efforts and derailing and side-tracking the thread, and trying to mock, shame or embarrass it's sincere participants into leaving the thread (due to being called "crazy", "retarded" etc...) have all failed, and that the next thing that happens after that is that people start to realize that... Windows 10 is Malware, is the topic of this thread. And then they start talking about, how, Windows 10 is malware. Because it is, you know. Malware, I mean. It's malware. Really.
I will ask an important question here: Do any of you believe that MS can compete with Free OS versions without selling your personal info like web and search habits? I don't think they can. We're all upset at the symptom, but the cause is the competition.
:closed: Srsly? Maybe there should be a sub forum for those who want to argue around with each other this is beyond ridiculous. Second time along with that other thread Ans the ones fighting stop!!! You know who you are...
That's true if the 'agreement' were completely transparent, which it is not. You need a law degree and weeks to understand their new EULA and service agreements. True also if many of the processes were not 'conveniently' very hidden, completely unknown by 99% of potential users, and those 99% would not have a clue or a chance in hell to even know about them, let alone know how to disable them. That my friend is deliberate devious obfuscated marketing, and defines 'malicious intent' in my book. It is not that we're having this discussion for the benefit of the 99% to help them have an informed position in deciding to use Windows 10 or not, I hope it is for their benefit...look beyond the MDL member chat and debate people.
He's pretending to mediate a "fight" but there is not fight. Just Enemy Agents from Microsoft trying to derail and distract attention away from the fact that... Windows 10 is Malware.
Maybe, as most all software is made for windows, the degree of software that is designed to run on windows staggers in comparison to any other OS. Evey website on the net tries to do the same, there is no getting away from this in the real world. If people are worried about this, they need to stay away from facebook first off, and not use their real identity online. If they do use their real identity, then worring about using win 10 is ridiculous.
Here the Enemy Agent of Microsoft pretends to care about being misquoted, after he just got done telling a bunch of lies, in order to derail the thread and distract attention away from the fact that ... Windows 10 is Malware.