Windows 10 Is Spying On Everything You Do > So Why Use It ???

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by MysTikAL3, Jul 31, 2015.

  1. Mikorist

    Mikorist MDL Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    #221 Mikorist, Aug 7, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
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  2. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  3. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    #223 MysTikAL3, Aug 7, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
    License agreements and EULA for Windows 7 - 8- 8.1 are agreed to when the product was released, sold, and installed. End of story.

    If MS wanted to change them in any way for that product, every consumer would have to be contacted at least through their OS and agree or decline to a 'new' change in their EULA and/or service agreement for that product.

    Microsoft has never changed their EULA or service agreement for these previous OS's.
    Therefore the originals are still the binding agreements for both MS and the consumer.

    So give it up, what you say that M$ can change/tweak/update Windows 7 or 8 for data mining, etc., or anything like Windows 10 invasive garbage is completely false!
    Further it would expose them to, and result in litigation and millions of lawsuits worldwide.
    MS would never do it, it would destroy them.
    To say it again, your statements and claims in this matter are wrong.

    Are you simply trying to justify in your own mind your decision to use Windows 10 by saying M$ can do the same crap to any previous system?
    If so, then again you're wrong, because you are only fooling yourself with that belief.
  4. Engineer2k2

    Engineer2k2 MDL Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    #224 Engineer2k2, Aug 7, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
    Please point out where this is "Compaines reserve the right to change license agreements" mentioned in Microsoft's EULA for Windows 7 or any previous OS.:g:

    The agreement is a binding for Both seller as well as purchaser which cannot be altered later once agreed upon :hug2:. This is the reason for the new version of EULA for Windows 10 for privacy invasion.;)
  5. Sammy

    Sammy MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2009
  6. JeanYuhs

    JeanYuhs MDL Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    "Microsoft reserves all other rights."

    5 little words, but they end up having such big effect. ;)
  7. ancestor(v)

    ancestor(v) Admin
    Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    You just posted your opinion in a very nice way... all kind of constructive feedback is mostly welcome, and is never disrespect. I'm just a Linux beginner as well, there still a lot to learn.

    Maybe I am bloody wrong about many things but this is for me to see and learn in the coming years. I have a strong feeling of trust when I can decide things fully on my own and can look up everything I want - not so with a closed source OS. I was using MS up to Windows 7 for quite a few years, but the latest developments really repel me. When I changed to Linux I instantly loved the workflow, there is no bloatware, nothing unwanted, just a pure and simple OS. That all is why I'm so enthusiastic about it.
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  8. ilusi0n

    ilusi0n MDL Junior Member

    Nov 18, 2013
    Out of curiosity, what linux distro are you using?
  9. ancestor(v)

    ancestor(v) Admin
    Staff Member

    Jun 26, 2007
    I am still testing, but I am very convinced with the workflow, the compatibility, the available software and everything from Linux Mint.
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  10. ilusi0n

    ilusi0n MDL Junior Member

    Nov 18, 2013
    I never liked Linux Mint very much, although it's a good choice.
  11. venioni

    venioni MDL Senior Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    The proplem with free os like linux is that not compatibility with mane pcs and thats is the reasons who much people stay on windows os.... like meo_O
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  12. ilusi0n

    ilusi0n MDL Junior Member

    Nov 18, 2013

    What kind of compatibility are you talking about? You know that sometimes you need to tweak some stuff. In the worst case a linux distro will not work out of the box
  13. Engineer2k2

    Engineer2k2 MDL Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    #233 Engineer2k2, Aug 7, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
    It is a common term used for Music, Video, Movie, Songs, Website, Software etc. All Other Rights means the ownership or usage rights which are not mentioned in the Agreement (since they are permitting you to use their product).

    My question was
    Precisely "Right to change license agreement itself"

    By using the words seller and purchaser I meant seller of the License and purchaser of the license as user. We all know software's are not sold but the permission to use is given as license with terms mentioned there in.

    Software is also sold (Program code) with all rights by one developer to another company as business deals.

    We all know
    • updates,
    • supplements,
    • Internet-based services, and
    • support services
    may come with new or modified license. Windows 10 free upgrade is one of the example of the same.

    Let's come back to the Topic " windows 10 is spying on ..." ;)
  14. Sammy

    Sammy MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2009
    #234 Sammy, Aug 7, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015

    It's okay butter cup to admit that you are wrong :D
  15. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
  16. Sammy

    Sammy MDL Novice

    Jul 12, 2009
    #236 Sammy, Aug 8, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
    MysTikAL3 I'm not wrong and you miss the point, the point MS can change the lic agreement any time they want and I proved that and it doesn't matter if its windows lic or another software of theirs. (I never said they do not have to notify the end user)

    You make statements without anything to back them and you call me the troll, lol

    Welcome to block list
  17. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    #237 MysTikAL3, Aug 9, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
    This is a repost from another thread ([PLEASE READ] Microsoft and Privacy) because I would like it to get as much visibility as possible!

    I AM and I WILL advocate a complete boycott against Windows 10, a smear campaign!
    Whatever anyone wishes to call it.... have at it!

    Even though more investigation and information is valuable and needed, there was more than sufficient damning evidence over a week ago, showing conclusively M$ is taking power and control over the consumer through mining massive amounts of your data with Windows 10. Their new NSA like quest, through Windows 10's hundreds of default invasive processes that have been identified, and ways that are as yet unknown, blatantly destroys consumer privacy and security.
    Further their data mining and their control over your data is as of now unrestrained and unregulated!

    Windows 10 is INVASIVE as hell, period.

    Your 'private', and 'personally identifiable' data going to their cloud, puts every consumers security at enormous risk, and also puts users at risk for damages to their lives and/or property when that data is shared with 3rd parties, and the one day when it is all breached or hacked into the wrong hands, and then spread throughout the net f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

    Sure this mess can be fought in the courts and elsewhere with governments....but-that-could...and-would-take-years...!

    Just as with windows 8, M$ understands only one thing, and they can be motivated much more quickly with ONLY one thing, flat out consumer rejection of Windows 10!
    Sure, I am just a small fish in the vast ocean, but I have already contacted EVERYONE I know, and I am telling them NOT to install/upgrade or purchase ANY device with Windows 10.
    I have easily and clearly shown them why (the facts and evidence are abundant).
    I have asked them all to pass this recommendation and information on to ALL of their family and friends.
    I will continue to spread my conclusions and my recommendations in every way, and by every means that I possibly can.
    The consumer has all the power in this case!
    It is as simple as this, the consumer either rejects it, or they bend over and accepts it. It is OUR choice.

    IMO, this time Microsoft has crossed WAAAY over the line into the destruction of 'personal privacy' and security, only for greed and their gain of power and control by data mining YOUR usage, YOUR content and selling it to 3rd parties.

    They could have 'created' a great system that would not destroy the users privacy by default, with hundreds of invasive and obscured processes.
    They could have easily designed all their extra 'fluff' turned off by default, and given the consumer the information and the choice to opt-in if they want.
    They could have been light years more transparent with an open, concise and easy to understand EULA/service agreement.
    They could have done all this and more for the benefit of the consumers rights to privacy.
    And I believe if they did, the consumer would have easily paid what we PAID for Windows 7, and even more, for that type of a user and business friendly, private and secure system.

    They could have, but they didn't.
    They have been driven only by greed and have absolutely no conscience, they lack integrity, and they have absolutely no respect for the consumers rights, be it the single user, or an entity/business.

    Instead, M$ has again chosen an arrogant and detestable stance with this invasive, obnoxious, hellish monstrosity, they call Windows 10.

    No matter how much anyone tweaks, changes, uses scripts, or tries to lock down Windows 10, as a whole, and by design no one can dispute Windows 10 IS a privacy and security nightmare!

    Hell, I won't even allow a Windows 10 system running on my network (home or business), because of it's intricate web of invasive design.

    Personally, I will ride out time with Windows 7, and switch over to Linux before it reaches end of support.
    At this point, I am so done with Windows 10 and Microsoft, unless they change their direction in the future with concern and respect for consumer privacy and security in mind....I don't see that ever happening.

    I also suggest starting a new thread entitled "Security for Your Windows 7 or 8.1 and Say NO to Windows 10"

    On a side note, I purposely left out any links on this post because I WANT it ALL to be in plain PUBLIC view!

    :rifle:....... :vampire:Windows 10:moon:
  18. enioentity

    enioentity MDL Novice

    Jul 18, 2015
    Kinda. My biggest caveat is an games compatibility! Rest is going at a snail pace..
  19. mrbbq

    mrbbq MDL Addicted

    Jul 18, 2015
    #239 mrbbq, Aug 10, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015
    The NSA is known to have weakened cryptography in many ways at this point for one thing. Do you honestly believe they are helping out with things like SELinux "for the good of the community" given that fact..? There are slides and documents put out from the earliest Prism revelations that show flat out they are trying to backdoor their way into these things. It's just a plain fact. I am, as it happens, fairly OS agnostic. I use and play with everything from OS X and MorphOS on an ancient eMac, to Amiga OS, via Nano Server and the Raspberry Pi and all kinds of cute little experimental OS variants.

    Community? No. I trust the security researchers and administrators who can and do understand one simple thing with the most widely used desktop OS; what comes in, what goes out. There are far more eyes on that daily than there will ever be elsewhere. It's why we see IOS or Windows or Android flaws exposed so quickly. After the Snowden documents, everything is being scrutinised even more so. The only true solution is monitoring of what really is being sent out. A 0 or 1 is either leaving your system, or it isn't. There's no amorphous magic on this side of things. If something can be forced out of the system such as removing the Metro "apps", they are gone. If you remove Cortana, it is gone. Server 2016 will be extremely interesting in this regard. Again you have that base of administrators, examining every packet and making sure of what comes in and what goes out. There's no real way to sneak around that end point.

    It's not about the OS. It's about taking control back. That is vastly easier on Windows than on almost any other OS you care to name. The interactions of code on a "closed" OS like this are a lot more stable than one of a hundred variants of the same Linux distro. You can see that just by the sheer control MDL folks have been able to wrestle back. Telemetry sending? Gone. Onedrive, Cortana? Gone. Demonstrably. We can do those things. I actually think as with 8.1 we are getting a reasonable level of security into 10 at this point. Pretty much the only thing that appears more trustworthy would be FreeBSD, which is also running on most of my machines as an option. I also started looking into that as a viable alternative because of the NSA's "charitable" work with Linux, and because of Windows 10 months ago (when everyone was so positive all of this stuff was just in there `because its a beta and it'll be removed at launch`), so point the "Windows fanboy" accusations elsewhere. We absolutely CAN take control of it. We ARE doing so. Conspiracy fantasy aside, the data is either doing something or it isn't. There is no "who knows what is lurking in there sending things out" - we can look and see there isn't (or is - and there we can kill it again). It's code, not magic.

    The average user has more control over Windows with tools like those from MDL. Simple, effective, and true. And compared to the zealotry you see on Slashdot or even the hostility you encounter on a simple Linux forum for help - and again, this is factually the case independent of the merits of the OS - FreeBSD's community has countless posts by people attesting to how helpful and friendly they are.

    It isn't the OS that is the problem with Linux, it's the people (as with Apple hipsters), hence I used "Linuxists" and not "Linux" itself. Which also very plainly, includes NSA as part of it. You don't need to trust any company. You shouldn't. Trust yourself and results you yourself can see - as hundreds of people here are seeing.
  20. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    Well said mrbbq!

    For those advertising linux as solution for all privacy concerns:

    It's not a windows replacement, it's not run windows executables, simple as that.

    It means, no autocad, no coreldraw, no outlook (and the rest of office suite).

    Not mention no games out of the box.

    You can run some windows apps in Linux, yes, but can't run any app at the point to use Linux as windows replacement, therefore please stop spreading misinformation.

    It's not because you can check your email, post on Facebook, listen to music, watch movies and download torrents that you can use linux as windows replacement.

    There are things that are better in linux and vice-versa.

    Linux should be fine for some, but not for all.

    Also with some distros like Ubuntu your privacy isn't much private as you think.

    As a long time linux user I'm not against linux, just exposing some facts.

    Also now every Linux distro on earth run systemd, thousands of thousands of lines of code that just a few understand and nobody have time or resources to audit.

    Let the time show us how many security flaws that could leak information will be find in the future.

    At least Microsoft is clear that they will spy on you.

    Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated