It's more like people panic these days over nothing, and imagine that their own little cookie-cutter lives are of incredible interest to the fictional government agencies they imagine want to "spy" on them... In earlier times it might have been called "delusions of grandeur". It never ceases to amaze me why people believe their lives are so interesting and intriguing that anyone anywhere would want to spend huge sums of money to "spy" on them... For what??? Are people really deathly afraid that they might be shown ads for products they actually might want to buy, instead of ads for products they'll never buy? What a horrifying prospect.
Funny enough I don't let it bother me that much and get less of my important data online. I have nothing special to hide anyway.
This is for those who believe windows is spying on you. It is, and you are worried? Most of you, probably use android, and you are not worried about google? Google also spy everyone since you are all connected to their services. Is impossible not to be spy nowadays, unless you don't use internet at all. So, leave the conspiracy behind and move on.
We're not talking about our browser history here...I don't give a crap if anyone sees my google searches... "including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders)" This covers ALL your PC data "Our lives are on our computers, and our lives are nobody else’s business." If none of this matters to you, then enjoy your lifelong colonoscopy my friend..
Google reads emails for ages... Google check your files for ages... (in google drive). So what is microsoft doing is not new. Maybe microsoft goes a little far and so what?
Who uses Google Drive? Why use Google Drive when you can use Mega? 50GB free space with client side encryption.
It was an example comparing with onedrive by windows. You were the one who brough mega and their "awesome" 50gb free.
While clicking to opt out - dont' forget to turn off camera, microphone, radio & other similar security settings. W10 just making it more transparent to the end users, otherwise - the agencies have been doing it behind the scene upstream for years, if not decades ... so, at ease & carry on.
Only if you believe that various electronic devices you use are all bugged. Or that all firewalls contain backdoors constructed in cooperation with governments. Otherwise, it's just about capturing internet traffic. And that's what VPNs are for.
The point was there is something much better than Google Drive/Dropbox/OneDrive that also cares about privacy.
Yes, it's pathetic to see John Doe and his delusions of grandeur. Yes, John Doe's records have no importance. But have you ever asked yourself what can be done with the records of millions and millions of John Does? Or how can they use data mining to manage the human cattle? Ads are the least of my concerns...
If you don't do shady stuff, why would you worry or care? It's not like the governments aren't monitoring you already since the moment you went on the internet. Microsoft does see a lot of your data, but it does not see it's content, it's a bit different compared to the government which knows what your content contains.
I used to care about this topic as I try to make my OS as secure as possible. But the time came where i said, "f**k it!" Let my ISP, M$, the government & aliens from outer space spy on me- they will have a wealth a knowledge on the best porn sites on the internet. The odds are greater for your social security and financials residing on someone's laptop which is about to get stolen or lost.