I will never use another MS product again. Windows 10 is the final straw for me. It is nothing more than a giant data mining, targeted advertising, Adware now. I use Windows 7 on a air gapped PC for HTPC, but other than that it's Linux all the way. And you can say that I have my tin foil hat on all you want, I don't care, but I also don't use Facebook, Google, Twitter none of that crap. I don't do banking online, I do occasionally do shop online, but I have a throwaway re-loadable debit card that I use when I do. I used to have a Android smartphone that was rooted and I completely removed all things Google, and locked it down, I don't even use it anymore. I would NEVER store anything on a "Cloud". That is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard of. Hey let me put my data on some computer that is only god knows where and only god knows who has access to it. Never mind that multiple "Clouds" have been hacked recently. I read that someone here said that their company uses Gmail and Google cloud for their sensitive data, WOW, that is the most irresponsible thing that I have ever heard. If someone told me to use that crap for my company they would be fired on the spot. Do not pass Go and do not collect $200. Security is nothing more than common sense really. (And there are a few here that lack it) I don't do anything on the Internet that I am going to get in trouble for, but at the same time my personal life is just that, personal.
Just don't shoot M$ you can also shoot your Internet Provider (ISP) they are ordered to Flag and Report as soon as you log in everyone is being looked at one way or the other doesn't matter if its a M$ OS or a Apple Mac. or Linux its what it is in these times.
You typed a lot to say a bunch of nothing. Nothing you said disputes the fact that nothing is 100% secured and everyone should have an expectation that their data could be at risk. Nothing is unhackable. You sure do seem to have an emotional investment in my original post, perhaps you should think about that.
Your wrong! Yes any system/computer/unit is un-hackable if its not connected to any means of the Internet and the power supply is disconnected from the power source then I think your safe lol
Someone hacked a building EMCS, to gain access to a network which was shared with the servers used to store customer financial information. This did not happen where I worked, we are smart enough to keep the systems separate. In fact many of our control systems are not connected to any network, which is how it should be.
So there was no protection. Not even basic encryption on the network with certificates. They literally stuffed the servers in a building and hoped nobody would go close enough.
Ok ... small little bot bugs enter your room, office or cave.... records all you do and connect to your equipments then report back home.. feel safe win10 or other other windows OS are easy access.
No matter how secure YOU are or THINK you are you always have to put a little faith in someone else whether it be your ISP or the companies/people you communicate with. Someone mentioned TOR, that companies and governments don't like it, which is great, but you are still putting your faith in the people who created it to be honest or to keep it secure. I'll stand by my original comment that the only way to be absolutely sure that your data is safe is to stay off the internet, or to take it further don't use computers at all. Remember how the Iranian nuclear program was hacked, some idiot picked up a thumb drive and inserted it in a computer.
IMO you can't argue privacy because everybody's got his own view and feelings about what the threats are. Most people will play the case down and say "I don't care", which is their fair right to do, and others will make a fuss about apparently neglectable trivia. The problem with the world today is that a) everyone is made to believe: you need it (for example, you need Facebook, you need Twitter, you need a SmartPhone, you need a SmartWatch, you need Cortana...). Why? Because data is money, the more you collect, the better relations you can make, and the more valuable information you can sell or, in case of the government, create profiles and statistics and all kind of stuff you can't imagine right now. Part of the problem is b) everone wants, or better: expects that everything is for free (for example, we want free E-Mail, we want free cloud storage, we want a free OS...). Why? It's easier, because of the impression you made a good deal. The downside is that you're actually still paying, not by money but by trading in your privacy when you use any free service: you are going to be tracked so they can present you with personalized ads, for example. Last but not least, control. Trash TV, the internet, all media and all the games are necessary to keep everyone calm. Because, an individual that thinks too much about or even questions the system we're living in is a potential threat to the system. The rich want to stay rich, the powerful to keep their power. They don't want people to be enlightened and responsible, because they might realize that something is going wrong here, come together and start a revolution. Therefore, we're back at where you are made to believe you need it... I think it's everyone's choice how much sensitive data one is willing to give away, but no matter how much it is, preserving your privacy is not effortless, and it never comes for free. Companies invest large amounts of money in keeping their secrets, yet something gets stolen from time to time. If you want to keep your privacy, get away from the believe you need it (whatever that is) and that is has to come for free (because you're still paying for it at some point), and that is takes some effort (encryption, for example). I'll close with a quote from Fight Club which I think is pretty suitable: "Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy s**t we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression*. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off." (* actually we have an ongoing Great Depression here in Europe. Who knows how that's going to end?) I hope there comes a day when we learn the fact, because right now it doesn't look like we are. And I really hope we'll be pretty darn pissed off.
I'm old. I'm sick. I'm boring. I'm a nobody. Windows 10 is my chance to achieve internet immortality.
I strongly suggest that all EU residents who don't agree with this privacy policy contact their respective members of the European Parliament. Let's bring this to the attention of professionals who actually have more power to act than disabling some windows services. Let's not forget how we made MS pay for IE, pay for WMP and the like. It is possible.
They have a habit of just making things difficult. "Making MS pay for IE, WMP" made the EU a laughing stock. Look how they inconvenience their citizens, glad I don't live in EU!