@Sharon: That's true. That's why every OS and every piece of code needs to be scrutinized at some point. And that's why open discussion is so important. We now know what to look for. There are members who are packet sniffing their own machines and collecting data. They are analyzing it and posting their findings here. I'm proud of them and grateful for all their hard work. :MJ
If anyone's interested please check the destroy telemetry thread lots of goodies in there for all of you
If it has access to the internet it is no better than anything else and whether they are spying on you or it's your internet provider or your cell phone provider what's the difference..accept it and move on it isn't going to change because it upsets you.
What a completely USELESS post...probably about a half dozen posts have already stated the same exact lame statement, but you felt the need to post the same thing, again... No doubt to help reinforce the dismissing statement and belief "no one should care about privacy or security" in your own mind... This thread is a discussion and debate to scrutinize some very disturbing turns, dangerous changes, and practices that M$ has taken with Windows 10. Concerning privacy, security, telemetry, forced updates, etc.. The purpose of this discussion is to identify, diagnose, dissect, inform about these new unprecedented threats to consumer privacy and security, not just for the benefit of MDL members, but too for the general public. Knowledge is power, just as privacy is freedom...you can't have one without the other. Don't spam the thread with drivel...
I don't mean too get inbewteen the dogs fighting here, but try telling that to all the Jews and other people Hitler rounded up then killed while living their private lifes minding their own busniess.
No meter if Windows 10 Is Spying On Everything You Do or not. To use It, you must have a legitimate Win 7 or 8 or buy letter a copy . There is no other way. The funny thing is that ones you "upgrade" you can't use a fake Win 7 or 8.
Hmmm... It was society that embraced Hitler and put his evil agenda into power... Do you imply comparing M$ to Hitler here?....
I can tell you for one where I was. Not bloody using any of it. Simple as that. Be responsible, know what you are doing.
Some people can't think that far outside their own life. What seems simple and easily apparent to you is impossible for many others; like trying to describe color to someone that is color-blind. It's intellectual blindness. Some people have the ability to NOT understand things, because to be able to understand them is not in their short-term, immediate gratification "best interest".
No he means that while one of the most evil actions to ever take place in the entire history of the human race was taking place, there were thousands, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people standing around and pretending that they couldn't see what was happening. They also pretended to not understand certain concepts when it suited them, and pretended to ask questions as a means of redirecting attention away from conversational topics that made them uncomfortable.
The holocaust was a terrible tragedy. Sad to say, this kind of data collection can be used by the government to aid in such folly. What gauls me is the rantings of idiots who say that the Holocaust never took place. Many years ago where I grew up (Williamsburg, Brooklyn) I met a holocaust survivor. He showed me the tattoo on his arm and told me about some of the horrors He experienced. My point is that we need to be vigilant. Always. We need to protect ourselves. Always. :MJ
i looked into the eyes of my granny. she lost a huge family to the nazis. i was just a kid then. but i will never forget. and when i hear the opinions of some ayatollah, i have very little time for him.