Windows 10 KMS Activation

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by The_Spider, Jun 7, 2015.

  1. Shayne

    Shayne MDL Addicted

    Jul 31, 2009
    This right here will make this OS a flop for a business environment. In no way do I want M$ to have access to f!#k around with my network. When I have things working, as MDL has taught us all, you control your own security and we have no need for all these important updates on a regular bases. Monitor your incoming emails and walk with a big stick.

    I know MDL is not into hacks but this force feed will keep me from adopting it. In realty why would I be scared they no longer support XP, or of Y2K, those that run in fear of the black box do not understand how simple they are. $h!t from 95 to past 2000 AV was a resource hog that we would not run and had absolutely no problems. Common sense is the best practice and will beat all AV programs out there.

    Best of luck to M$ and their free upgrade. Don't buy a new graphics card buy a whole new machine.

  2. sansini

    sansini MDL Novice

    Oct 4, 2008
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  3. crossup

    crossup MDL Member

    Jun 20, 2015
    You are high, aren't you?
  4. sansini

    sansini MDL Novice

    Oct 4, 2008
    That would be an amazing meeting if you had a major security breach for a large organisation. "How come our data has been so easily hacked?" "Well, you see, we have no antivirus on end user devices, and we don't install any critical or important updates. We always find common sense is the best practice and will beat all AV programs out there.."
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  5. wantworld

    wantworld MDL Novice

    Aug 30, 2009
    Windows 10 MAK Activation ?


    Windows 10 MAK Activation is good.:biggrin:
    I am clean install windows 10 pro add a new mak key. Old key id for Sky :g:

    Sry my bad eng o_O
  6. vipanonymous

    vipanonymous MDL Senior Member

    Apr 3, 2014
    Same here. Let's hope our keys holds up after 29th
  7. TheCandyManHK

    TheCandyManHK MDL Addicted

    Jun 26, 2015
    #91 TheCandyManHK, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
    Am good with Windows 10 & Office just thought i would pass the info on see if it would help anybody anyway am good for now and don't need anymore help but maybe other do .. Have a good weekend everybody ..?

    ===== Performing =====
    = Microsoft Windows 10 Pro =========================
    Windows(R) Operating System, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel
    SKU ID: 2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588
    Partial Product Key:
    KMS-host Machine:
    KMS-Server PID: 06401-00206-271-879088-03-2057-9600.0000-1792014
    Expiration Date/Time: 15/01/2016 12:59:16 AM/179d 23h 51m.
    Activation Interval: 0d 2h 0min
    Renewal Interval: 7d 0h 0min
    License Status: == LICENSED ==
    = Office 2016, Office16ProjectProVL_KMS_Client edition
    Office 16, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel
    SKU ID: 4f414197-0fc2-4c01-b68a-86cbb9ac254c
    Partial Product Key:
    KMS-host Machine:
    KMS-Server PID: 06401-00206-234-689374-03-2057-9600.0000-0162015
    Expiration Date/Time: 15/01/2016 12:43:17 AM/179d 23h 35m.
    Activation Interval: 0d 2h 0min
    Renewal Interval: 7d 0h 0min
    License Status: == LICENSED ==
    = Office 2016, Office16VisioProVL_KMS_Client edition
    Office 16, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel
    SKU ID: 6bf301c1-b94a-43e9-ba31-d494598c47fb
    Partial Product Key:
    KMS-host Machine:
    KMS-Server PID: 05426-00206-234-845214-03-2057-9200.0000-0752015
    Expiration Date/Time: 15/01/2016 12:43:17 AM/179d 23h 35m.
    Activation Interval: 0d 2h 0min
    Renewal Interval: 7d 0h 0min
    License Status: == LICENSED ==
    = Office 2016, Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client edition
    Office 16, VOLUME_KMSCLIENT channel
    SKU ID: d450596f-894d-49e0-966a-fd39ed4c4c64
    Partial Product Key:
    KMS-host Machine:
    KMS-Server PID: 06401-00206-234-058740-03-2057-9600.0000-1872014
    Expiration Date/Time: 15/01/2016 12:24:17 AM/179d 23h 16m.
    Activation Interval: 0d 2h 0min
    Renewal Interval: 7d 0h 0min
    License Status: == LICENSED ==
    ****** Completed *****
  8. Shayne

    Shayne MDL Addicted

    Jul 31, 2009
    Nope just an engineer of 30 years. Best liked guy on the construction site :D.

  9. Daz

    Daz MDL Developer / Admin

    Jul 31, 2009
    It's there, but users can't access it at the moment. When he releases a version with official keys instead of the generated ones then just let one of the moderators know :)
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  10. GeForce66

    GeForce66 MDL Novice

    Aug 13, 2012
    Is there any KMS activator that can activate 10240 Pro/Enterprise right now? :confused:
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  11. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    #95 s1ave77, Jul 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
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  12. Shayne

    Shayne MDL Addicted

    Jul 31, 2009
    too short 123
  13. Shayne

    Shayne MDL Addicted

    Jul 31, 2009
    I will never worry about that because as structural we have a understanding of redundancy, you hack nothing but knowledge, enjoy as I will. I enjoy life as it is all the way that you perceive it, oh no someone is out to get us, LoL. Large corp, scary right. Firewalled and 25 years without a prob. I do educate my users but that is the big stick thing.

  14. sansini

    sansini MDL Novice

    Oct 4, 2008
    This isn't the right thread to start this discussion Shayne but it isn't about the being 'scared'. Your main issue with Windows 10 is the 'forced' patches. It's already been talked about but the Enterprise does allow you to manage your own patches (WSUS/SCCM), and there are already hacks out there which stops the updates for the other flavours. I can understand wanting to be in control of patch management, and the Enterprise version will let you do this. As for others, well part of the Windows as a Service model means they will want everyone on the same patch level.
    If you never worry about patches and AV and you work in an IT organisation then you are lucky. One of our clients share data with central and local government - they sign up to a code which enforces a local device AV and the latest WSUS updates. Although it is a headache sometimes, I undertand the logic and agree with it. It's an added layer of protection - it isn't a replacement for hardware firewalls etc.
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  15. \/\/[][]|)y

    \/\/[][]|)y MDL Novice

    Nov 8, 2013
    I don't think it was mentioned yet in this thread but MS has closed the "insider program" so if you don't already have it installed on your machine you are SOL.

    I'm wondering if it's possible to migrate an existing copy from a VM to hardware before the July 29 deadline...going to try and see.
  16. ashish.k

    ashish.k MDL Senior Member

    Dec 27, 2014
    No, it's not possible at all. Activation is linked to HWID which will change completely for both machines.