Can some sort of resolution changer be added? Krutonium's has it and I was able to get a much better resolution on a specific picture.
Can you give me more details, you mean auto detect your screen resolution ? I had that implemented in previous versions but some people didn't like it ? I could add the option.
The correct way to do this would be to have separate versions for each resolution in the PRI file. Windows automatically chooses the best fitting version depending on current resolution and screen orientation. The resolutions are: Currently, this tool and the other one set all versions in the PRI file to one and the same image.
Update: Code: - Changelog Added auto resize/crop for image selection Images created for image select: Originalimage.jpg My_Resolution.jpg 1024x768.jpg 1366x768.jpg 1920x1200.jpg 2560x1600.jpg 3840x2160.jpg 768x1024.jpg 768x1366.jpg 1200x1920.jpg 1600x2560.jpg 2160x3840.jpg Bug fixes
I have a Question - But first, I digress: I thought I was pretty computer savvy until this mess that they call WIN10 downloaded onto one of my laptops. I do NOT like it at ALL but since it's the 'wave of the future' like or not, I have to start getting used to it. Thank goodness I still my 8.1! Ok, with that off my chest, I installed the 2.2, and still get the black screen w/o booting ... The first time that happened, I followed the youtube instructions, and reset successfully the UI logon back to it's default. (that was with 2.1 I think) so I reinstalled the nest 2.2, --same think. Now I have read about substituting the .bak from another site, which I downloaded. But ... Can someone either point me in the direction of the detailed instructions, or walk me through it? I'd be greatly appreciative!
Bug(s) in 2.4: Originalimage.jpg not available Res. 1280x800 missing If coosen My_Resolution.jpg (which is 1280x800 and Screen-Res is the same!), the picture-quality was bad. Best Vers. was 2.2 - don't know, why you have changed mode