Hello @BlueskyFR. I've got the same problem as you (access denied & OS not in english) I try your solution which is : "ChoosePicture, Denied apply, Uncheck every option (OFF - already uncheck) apply but still the same error : acces denied May I ask you : did you do something else / more ? and how did you find your solution ? (like maybe same error, but different solutions) Nota: tested with Account administrator and .exe. opend as administrator (in case) Thank in advance for any help
Sorry for you guys with permission problems for none english os's. Ill add back my old function for none english os's which i gave Krutonium last month. oops... sorry ive just noticed its also trying to disable login user picture on first run! Updating asap..
Now I have an other problem... When I tried to apply a new picture, there is a message : "You need to revert the old picture to apply a new one" I click the revert button and... Freeze ! Solution ? Thank you for your answers
Do you edit the .PRI file like with the script (rip out the data at a offset) or do you use the functions for creating/unwrapping PRI files?
Update: Code: - Changelog Added Create System Restore Point Updated Color Picker Reverted permissons back to original Bug fixes
Question to Alphawaves: I have 2 laptops, one 15inch and one 14inch, both displays have Res. 1280x800. If I applied my Image (orig size 1280x800) to the 15inch-machine, everything is okay. But if I apllaid the same pic to my 14inch-machine, pic seems to be 'enlarged' and cuted left and right side. It sounds strange, but it's the truth Edit: Resize/crop function doesn't work, too.
Problem Reporting... the app worked, the BG image is changed, bur not the lock page do not show i searched in settings and i got this prntscr.com/8cehmq any idea of why is happen, can i get both screens or just one? if only can i get one, please tell me how to revert it, also i did upgrade from w7 and from linux i changed the .pri file to the correct one before try the app. sorry for my bad english, and thank you so much Alphawaves for this application.
So it's normal, that pictures cuted left and right? Why there are options to rezize image? Sounds like a message from someone, who don't know, how to fix the problem...