A backup of the pre is made when applied: Code: C:\Windows\SystemResources\Windows.UI.Logon\Windows.UI.Logon.pri is made here: Code: C:\Windows\SystemResources\Windows.UI.Logon\Windows.UI.Logon.pri.BACKUP
Thanks... here goes nothing Say I don't suppose your script is taking ownership away from TrustedInstaller? There's a known issue with Windows10 boot breaking completely if you take ownership of the system drive, and that is exactly the behavior I noticed in previous attemp.
Pretty awesome. The preview feature is pretty cool! Also, I never realized how totally gross that account picture in the middle of the login screen was until I got rid of it, even though it certainly was completely ridiculous looking from the beginning. Why did they put that gross feature in there, anyway? Glad we can easily get rid of it thanks to Alphawaves! Makes for a much more pleasing Windows 10 experience.
That's weird. I just re-downloaded it from your Dropbox share and it doesn't show the duplicate anymore (on my primary machine). Odd thing is I tried it on two separate machines to make sure it wasn't anything buggy with my machine, and it showed on the second computer as well. I'll try it again on my secondary machine and see if I can replicate it. If so, I capture an image of it. UPDATE: I verified the version on my other machine ( and have a screenshot that shows this. Unfortunately, I don't have enough posts to link the screenshot here, but I have placed the link below. Please remove the brackets to appropriately to view. [http:]//tinypic.com/r/333e5bo/8
Thanks KMFM$, its adding your own screen dimensions to the list. In your case your screen must be 1366x768.. Ill fix it, i over looked that.. Thanks
Great. Not that it was a big deal, just thought it was odd when I saw it. Again, AWESOME JOB!!! I love this utility.
Not noticing any issues with this test. Though you may want to look at creating another tab for previewing the lockscreen. Right now changing the lockscreen image shows under the Image tab, but if you go back to the Advanced tab and then back to the image tab it shows the logon background again. Or if you click on the Image tab again it immediately changes to the logon screen. There is no way to get back to previewing the lockscreen without changing it again. Maybe "Logon", "Lockscreen", "Advanced" tabs. Just a suggestion.
Just a suggestion. I just found it a little odd when I clicked on the Image tab or Advanced tab and the lockscreen preview vanished. Obviously not necessary since this is the "Windows 10 Login Changer".
Success with v1.1 (no boot issues). Only difference I can think off, other than the new version is I didn't mess with colors at all this time. The first time I tried the utility (v0.6) I applied color from the advanced tab, then changed the image, then tried to restart > broken boot.