Windows 10 Login<>LockScreen Changer

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by Alphawaves, Jul 25, 2015.

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  1. KingSrqt

    KingSrqt MDL Novice

    Jan 16, 2014
    Nothing happens when I do either.
  2. KingSrqt

    KingSrqt MDL Novice

    Jan 16, 2014
    Not sure if this is helpful but I had an old Ubuntu disc that I was able to boot to and run the os off the disc so I can access files through that.
  3. Night AoX

    Night AoX MDL Novice

    Sep 8, 2015
    I probably should've thought of that.. Welp, access the system drive via the Ubuntu live CD environment then navigate to:


    In that directory you should see two files:


    Rename Windows.UI.Logon.pri to Windows.UI.Logon.pri.bak1

    Then rename Windows.UI.Logon.pri.bak to Windows.UI.Logon.pri

    Reboot and you should be good to go.
  4. KingSrqt

    KingSrqt MDL Novice

    Jan 16, 2014
    And fixed, thank you so much for the help!
  5. Night AoX

    Night AoX MDL Novice

    Sep 8, 2015
    Glad you got it all sorted. There is in fact a way to do this with TeamViewer. I'll be more than happy to run you trough it as it can be very useful albeit with a few more steps to take.
  6. KingSrqt

    KingSrqt MDL Novice

    Jan 16, 2014
    That would be great I am always looking to learn new things!
  7. Night AoX

    Night AoX MDL Novice

    Sep 8, 2015
    Okay, we'll work with an example file for this though. We don't want to go messing with system files for this example :D

    Right click Desktop > New > Text Document and in the document type:


    Save the document and exit. The text document can be named anything for this example. You can just stick with the default New Text Document.txt


    1) Open the TeamViewer app on your mobile device. Tap on the computer you wish to access and select "Edit computer" in the list. You'll see the TeamViewer ID for the machine at the top. Make note of this TeamViewer ID.

    2) In the bottom right pane of the app, you should see a button that says "Files" (The location of this button may vary depending on the device) Hit the "Files" button then hit the "Remote Files" button

    3) Enter the TeamViewer ID into the box and hit the "Show Remote Files" button.

    4) There should be a button that says "Desktop" Hit that button and you'll be taken to a list of files on your Desktop.

    5) Put a check in the box next to New Text Document.txt and a piece of paper with a number on it should appear in the top right. (The location of this piece of paper may vary depending on your device. The number represents how many file you have selected for transport. You can also back out to previous directories and select multiple folders and files for transfer.)

    6) You should now see a button in the bottom right that says "My Files." Hit the "My Files" button and you'll be taken back to your mobile device's storage location options. Tap the "My Downloads" button and hit the piece of paper with the number on it in the top right. Select "Copy selected files here" in the drop down list. This will paste your New Text Document.txt file to your phone's Download folder. (You can choose any location you wish but, My Downloads should be a default location. TeamViewer currently doesn't have root capabilities and may not be able to access external storage so, you're limited to standard folder locations.)

    7) After copying the New Text Document.txt file over, tap on it to open it. (Your phone should have a built in app or you may have a third party app installed that can open and edit the file. If not, download one from your mobile app marketplace.) After opening the document, you should see the $1,000,000,000.00 text you entered on your PC. Add, "like a bo$$ ! ! !" to the end of the $1,000,000,000.00 text and save the document and return to the TeamViewer app.

    8) After opening the TeamViewer app, hit the "Files" button and navigate to My Downloads or wherever you saved your New Text Document.txt file and check the box next to the New Text Document.txt file. You should see the piece of paper with a number on it pop up in the top right.

    9) Hit the "Remote Files" button in the bottom right.

    10) Type in the TeamViewer ID and hit the "Show Remote Files" button.

    11) Navigate to you Desktop by hitting the "Desktop" button.

    12) Hit the piece of paper at the top right and select "Copy selected files here" in the drop down menu. You'll be greeted with the warning, "New Text Document.txt File already exists." Choose Override. That should copy the New Text Document.txt file over to your PC, replacing the original one.

    13) Head over to your PC and open the New Text Document.txt file you should see the edits you made so, the full text should read, "$1,000,000,000.00 like a bo$$ ! ! !."

    The location of things in the TeamViewer app may vary depending on your device. You may be able to edit files on the PC via the mobile TeamViewer file transfer interface without having to do a regular remote control as you can in the TeamViewer desktop application file transfer interface but, that functionality may vary for each device.

    This process can be replicated for any file and folder just as long as your TeamViewer and TeamViewer account is configured for Full Access.

    With that, I'm not developer but, I do believe 1511 build saw changes that broke Windows 10 Login Changer as none of my settings are sticking.
  8. Gusanito

    Gusanito MDL Novice

    Dec 5, 2015
    Thanks for this awesome post! also some features like a login font type/color/size customization may not be bad ;), cause for example if I want to set some white image I can't see my user name, so if I will be able to change font color to black I could see it. That's only an idea to get a better login presentation :p
  9. Super Epic Crafter

    Super Epic Crafter MDL Novice

    Dec 7, 2015
    Can't use computer

    I set an image as my login screen and then restarted. After loading it just gave me a black screen with a plain white cursor and I had a custom cursor set. I thought maybe it was just the login screen so I hit space and typed in my password but my desktop didn't come up. If it matters, I used a jpeg image and I did use another login screen changer before, but I disabled it.

    Please help! I need to use my computer.
  10. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Login (not lockscreen) ?

    You should always select create a system restore point before applying.
    Are you saying you used another login screen changer before this and that worked ?
    If that worked then this most certainly should have worked!
    Can you give more info please:
    Windows build ?
    Thanks :)
  11. Super Epic Crafter

    Super Epic Crafter MDL Novice

    Dec 7, 2015
    The OS version is Windows 10.0.10240.
    The login editor I used before was by Krutonium (I think).
    Not sure what other info to give you.
  12. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Thats all the info i need my friend!
    Im a little confused that this did not work for you..:eek:
  13. Super Epic Crafter

    Super Epic Crafter MDL Novice

    Dec 7, 2015
    Well, I managed to fix it although I'm still not sure why it broke in the first place.
    Through the command prompt I navigated to "C:\Windows\SystemResources\Windows.UI.Logon" which contained a backup of the default login screen and the changed login screen. I deleted the changed one and renamed the backup "Windows.UI.Logon.pri". Then I restarted my computer and the lock screen popped up and the default login screen image was back.
    I'm still not sure why it broke, maybe something to do with the last login changer I used, but I learned my lesson: ALWAYS create a system restore point before doing ANYTHING.
    Well, thanks! :biggrin:
  14. mperson007

    mperson007 MDL Novice

    Aug 28, 2015
    Program not working after taking Windows 10 10586.36 update. I get "Access to the path 'C:\WINDOWS\SystemResources\Windows.UI.Logon\Windows.UI.Logon.pri'" error message. I have tried every way that I know of to change permissions on the folder that contains the .pri file. Any ideas?
  15. genenioo

    genenioo MDL Addicted

    Oct 9, 2007
    Works here. Try uninstalling and re-installing.
  16. frankusa

    frankusa MDL Novice

    Dec 27, 2015
    i appreciate it ,thanks
  17. tom982

    tom982 MDL Novice

    May 16, 2011
    Nice tool, just found a bug though:

    If you select the option to disable user account picture, then click no at the confirmation message, it still does it anyway.
  18. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
  19. rocky123

    rocky123 MDL Novice

    Aug 25, 2009
    thanks my friend
  20. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Dude it rocks
