This is how to change lock screen and login screen background images. The little circle image that has user pic on login screen you cant change period. I cant make it simpler without doing it for you. lol
Did you use Alpha's tool before? If so then you need to revert back to normal then try the method I mentioned above. Also make sure extension is the same as originals. If not, then it wont show. If nothing else wait for tool to do it for you. Note: Check this reg entry to see if enabled... [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background] "OEMBackground"=dword:00000001
I'm sorry but it seems I can't get this method to work either. It seems Windows isn't using any of those images. It either shows the lock screen image on the login screen or just a plain colour depending on the personalisation colour (not always that blue) and the position of the switch in the settings regarding the login screen. Didn't you also say something about a registry key a few pages back?
My bandwidth is limited right now and takes this page 3 mins to pull up. Sorry. I edited post above to include need reg entry...check if you have it and if not then add it. Make sure extensions are correct and reboot.
I reverted back with Alpha's tool ver 1.3 and now I get the same pic as the lock screen. When I tried to revert with ver 1.5 of Alpha's tool I couldn't--there's some message about changing the Lock Screen option in the Advanced section. I did that but it didn't make any difference--still get same prior pic from the lock screen.
I would ask if you wanted to do a teamview session but my bandwidth is limited so that is not a good option for me at this moment. I will be back in a couple hrs once done uploading another project I do, not affiliated with mdl. If you are online then I will try to help you out more.
Just thought of something with this tool. If you upgraded but used this tool before (for th2 release) then the backup file is from th2, not anniversary build version thus would still cause issues. I would run sfc /scannow to replace the th2 backup with the anniversary build file so that you can edit correctly. On a clean install you can easily change images and use reg entry mentioned above to apply everything. With multiple tools that use to do this including this one, it can be a nightmare with win10 anni versions.
First of all thanks for all your efforts I really appreciate them. I still haven't been successful though. The Registry key was set already and it still doesn't show a separate Login screen image just the accent colour. Do you have the switch regarding this picture in the settings set to "Use Lock screen picture on login screen" or not? And does it maybe depend on the colour chosen?
I have the anniversary build file under Windows-->Windows.UI.Logon--dated 8/16/16. Changing the reg value didn't seem to affect anything. Having a pic instead of the blank screen for the login is an improvement, even if its only the same as the lock screen. After a couple re-boots the login screen goes back to the generic until I log on and off or run Alpha's ver 1.3 (still says reverted) and then it goes back to the lock screen pic.
I forgot you are doing this from desktop unlike using the oem project. There is a hidden folder that is locked down but you can access it with changing permissions. I will find it and let you know the location...hold on. Found it but has random numbers on folder... %windir%\WinSxS\ Do search for image0 but there will more more then this one. You will need to change permissions in order to change them but this is the location from desktop.
Its one of 5 images in a folder that has user id and other numbers but within it there are 5 different size images of the same picture. image0.jpg if I remember correctly. I am not at home right now so trying to recall the extensions. Either way by doing a search with the WinSxS folder will show them. You must show all hidden folders and files within folder options first. This location has existed since Win 8.0 days. Doing it from desktop is harder to accomplish rather then doing it from oobe mode during setup.
I found these pictures in "%windir%\Web\4K\Wallpaper\Windows". But I think this's not helpfull for you
I sent Alphawaves info on how to address lock screen, login background and login user picture. Its not the same as in the Multi OEM/Retail Project but he knows how to address it with .net. I know he is busy with personal life but when back he will have everything he needs in order to update his tool. Addressing this from desktop is different from doing it from oobe so "he" will have to address it. I am off to go fishing.