As of aug 28. the login screen was black and unusable. had to wipe out the OS. which was hard to do without right things. have a custom built desktop. F10 used boot up with usb to install win 10.
maybe we can get the DL removed and lock this temporarily before more problems happen. We can expect people to read the thread to know it does not work with latest builds of windows. Unfortunately we cannot make them read, nor teach them.
Great to see you back Alphawaves, hope all is going a bit better now. Many thanks for the nice logon patch, too.
Hello I had not yet tested this app Is it working to change the logon screen of Windows 10 AU (screen at boot or reboot) ? Thanks
@Alphawaves welcome back. Is there any hope that you will be able to unravel what MS has done with the default user account picture on the login screen? Beginning with 14371 it has been impossible to remove.
For user pic on login screen. Edit paths as needed. I have it setup for user account pictures location where I backed up and replaced the original user pics, then added reg entry to point to them in the multi oem/retail project. Hope this helps. Spoiler Code: @echo off SET SID= FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%s IN ('wmic path win32_useraccount where name^='%username%' get sid /value ^| find /i "SID"') DO SET SID=%%t IF NOT DEFINED SID GOTO :CLOSE (echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AccountPicture\Users\%SID%] echo "Image32"="%SystemDrive%\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\User Account Pictures\\user-32.png" echo "Image40"="%SystemDrive%\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\User Account Pictures\\user-40.png" echo "Image48"="%SystemDrive%\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\User Account Pictures\\user-48.png" echo "Image96"="%SystemDrive%\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\User Account Pictures\\user-48.png" echo "Image192"="%SystemDrive%\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\User Account Pictures\\user-192.png" echo "Image240"="%SystemDrive%\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\User Account Pictures\\user-192.png" echo "Image448"="%SystemDrive%\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\User Account Pictures\\user-192.png") >"%windir%\Setup\scripts\up.reg" start /w regedit /s "%windir%\Setup\scripts\up.reg" && DEL /F /Q "%windir%\Setup\scripts\up.reg" >nul :CLOSE DEL /F /Q %0% >nul This method has been working for weeks now. Tested and proven.
Go back one page and you will see Alphawaves post with new tool link. You need to cool your engines and be more considerate. Note: Just tested first post link = works. Tested link on previous page = works. You have two link locations that WORK.
Be nice, The_Guardian. I think his concern is that Alphawaves tool isn't working for him, not that the link isn't working. Also noted on the previous page in Snuffy's post, the program = doesn't work. True the poster should have been nicer about it, but you being less nice and inaccurate at the same time wasn't helpful to anyone.
First of all you too are speculating same as myself as to what the issue really is. Without more info, who knows. As far as my attitude toward rudeness, I will not apologize for that because everyday new ppl come here and in first post they are rude but expect ppl to cater to them. You get more flies with honey, then vinegar. Without accountability there can be no maturity. Your first post also. lol
Perhaps I was not clear about what I want to happen. I do not want any user account picture default or otherwise on the login screen. This was possible using the Windows 10 Login Changer and the advanced options prior to Windows build 14371.
This would have to be done by editing the dll more then likely. This would be Alphawaves discretion. Lets wait for his reply. Thanks for being more detailed, it is appreciated. Just curious if you deleted the user pics (obviously back up pics first to another location just in case) to see if no user pic shows or just blank user pic area? Might break login so not sure. I would test in vmware before attempting on a real machine. Do this at your own risk though.