Okay, after a bit of an absence I am back to do some bug squashing! If someone could quickly summarise since the last I posted: - Bugs/Crashes - How to remove the user icon reliably Thanks!
Can you add Take ownership of Pri Folder in C:\Windows\SystemResources\Windows.UI.Logon. and rename C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures rename user-192.png user to OLD-user-192.png with possibility of restore?
The latest update reset my login image to default hero one. So it seems this will keep happening with each update. Any way to stop this crap from happening?
Not good Yea... One of the updates tries to change login screen back to default And it also locked the system files again
er ... yes. I suppose what I should have said was replace ownership on it - I have not looked at the code
It would be like this They would have to be replaced by trusted installer. I know there's a certain command to do that but I have to look