Okay maybe I take plunge But what do we replace in the script I see outputpath and replacement path Are those the ones we change.
Yes, thought that was obvious. outputPath is the location where the new pri file gets stored and replacementPath is the path to your new logon image. After running the script you will need to replace the pri file in the system directory with the new file.
For that one try commenting it out on line 15 like this # 1280x1024 10 Then change the number on line 4 to 10
Anyone can give instructions on how to use the script. as he ran but the background is not changed by placing one in the same folder. help.
Okay let's get started ------------------------ 1. Start by going to pastebin. 2. Copy the "RAW PASTE DATA" into windows notepad (notepad.exe) 3. Look at $outputpath. The location that it tells you needs to be replaced. It's where the BRAND NEW PRI FILE WILL BE PLACED. You can place it anywhere for now. Relatively on the root of the drive is preferred So e.g (c:\windows.ui.logon_new.pri) 4. Look at $replacemetpath. THIS IS THE JPG THAT WILL REPLACE THE LOCKSCREEN WALLPAPER. IT MUST BE JPG FILE. So simply specify the path to the jpg (eg) c:\img3.jpg 5. Next you need to set the screen resolution. 6. Look at line 4 $blobtoreplace. The numbers are specified for you. So like 3 would be 1366x768. SO REPLACE THE NUMBER ON LINE 4 WITH THE APPROPRIATE SCREEN RESOLUTION # 7. Custom resolutions... Enter your custom resolutions on the line after 2560x1600 LIKE THIS # 1280x1024 10 8. Go back to $blobtoreplace and enter the screen resolution code that corresponds to your screen resolution. So 1-whatever numbers. The one that matches 9. Once you have finished, save the file exactly like this "CLW_Script.ps1" It MUST HAVE quotation marks. BTW. CLW_Script is the file name. It can be anything you want just have the quotations along with ps1 10. Execute the script through ELEVATED POWERSHELL ... PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE YOU STORED THE BRAND NEW PRI FILE! You will need it 11. Unfortunately the location of the old pri file is extremely protected by the OS, so we need to unlock it 12. Open elevated cmd. 13 Type the following commands. Code: takeown /f \windows\systemresources\windows.ui.logon & ICACLS \windows\systemresources\windows.ui.logon 14. Do the same for the file windows.ui.logon.pri. 14. Go to \windows\systemresources\ and select the FOLDER windows.ui.logon Right click and select properties, security, advanced security, and go to the top where it says change owner. Put in your username and click ok. If you get anything about propagation just click cancel. Then go to edit users and put in username. Put FULL PERMISSION. Everything. Read modify etc. 15. Okay awesome. Now go into the folder and you'll see the old pri file. Do the same thing for windows.ui.logon.pri. I said it in step 14. *****YOU WILL ONLY HAVE TO FOLLOW STEP 14 and 15 ONE TIME 16. Make a copy of the old file just in case 17. Delete the old pri and paste the new one in from the ps1 file we executed earlier winkey + l to see the changes Edit: the new one must be exactly like this windows.ui.logon.pri BTW. Let me know if you get stuck at any certain point and I'll Help you. Also feel free to pM me if you want as well It's a lot yes. But I'm going very very detailed for everyone. It actually took me roughly two minutes to replace the file so it's not as hard as it seems Update 1. I didn't look at the MD5 of my new file and it still worked so don't fret over that
I didn't bother checking the md5 of my file and it still worked for me I don't believe that matters bud
Didn't work for me in 10176. everything ran perfectly, no errors, had to make a custom resolution, I replaced the PRI file but still have the default picture.
The custom resolution is the issue. @alexwilson will come back soon to help out but I'm sure you didn't write it correctly in the ps1 file Tell you what's give me your resolution and I'll send a custom ps1 file your way
It also didn't work for me - and I had to comment out the exception about the bad MD5. No change to the background after replacing the file.