As said in the previous post, it is already included in windows by default, you don't have to anything but to enter it as i have mentionned before, that's all.
Thanks a lot! Much appreciated. I've learned a lot from you guys today and owe you the time and info you gave to me Just wonder why I was not here regularly when I had any problems while I am a member since old days 2008
i haven't seen his post, when i saw OP's post, i was trying to do some research about the error code to help him fixing the issue and i found that solution which consits of extracting msu content into cab files.
Next time when posting the updates are correct, make sure there aren't several redundant CUs in the list.
@Enthousiast Quick question does ur svf, replace the default lang,"delete eng, add X choice lang" or just add the lang pack " eng + X choice lang"? Solved Thanks Info: Spoiler