Yeah. I can only think it's fear of the unknown and not wanting to learn! @balubeto - It couldn't be easier for you. Follow the link in adguards svf post and get the En Multi source ISO, be it x64 or x86 whatever you want. Then go to Enthousiast's SVF/SFX post and get the corresponding Italian patches - it couldn't be easier because he's made them self executable. Place the source ISO and the patches in the same folder, run the patch, a console window will open telling you the destination ISO is being created, when done hash check the newly created ISO and you have a perfect ISO. Job done, with the added bonus that instead of downloading 3.xx-4.xx Gig per ISO you only had to download a few hundred MB! Alternatively if it's the idea of executable patches that puts you off (though it shouldn't), you can download the svf from adguard's cloud link, also get the small svfx_2.1.7.exe tool, run it, open ISO and patch. Extract the destination ISO - job done again.
Me too. It beggars belief - it really does! I'm convinced that some ppl just don't bother reading anything! Annoyingly, it makes the efforts of those who try to help a waste of time! Here's a clue.... Spoiler Read just two posts above yours. Failing that read back just a few pages.
I was just wondering, the x64 enterprise english ISO is 3,9gb my pendrive is 4gb although it has only 3,7gb avaible. Is it possible to lower the size of the ISO, or should I just search for another one? First time installing win 10, I'm sorry for asking stupid questions. -- Edit: I'm downloading this ISO from another thread instead, 3,7gb. Is there much difference? en_windows_10_enterprise_n_version_1511_updated_feb_2016_x64_dvd_8378824.iso
Excuse me, but where do I download the svfx_2.1.7.exe file? Also, I noticed that the English and Italian patches of multiple editions (Home and Pro) without the N are not there. Why? Thanks Bye
SVF eXtractor have finished, I think.. It says "Extracting [iso name] 100%", but the actual blue progress bar is half way (the same thing with the taskbar button). Is it finished? The progress bar confuses me..
That's beautiful. Edit: Turns out that the program doesn't work well on my computer, although it managed to finish the process.
The program was acting up. It just stopped after completing the extraction of the X64 ISO, didn't give me that hash dialog, and I had to end the program in Task manager. The new ISO did have the correct hash tho, I checked afterwards. Then I started the program again for x86 and this time it worked as expected, but I didn't have any taskbar button instead.. Weird.
Maybe you're right, but there isn't much else to discuss. I mean, all the files has been released, and there are no new features in this build to discuss AFAIK..