In practice, the two iso files of the #Source directory are used as source files to convert all other editions. Instead, the SVF files are files that allow to change the language and the edition to the isos sources. Right? Thanks Bye
The way I do it is that I deploy in VM then I install new update, run full disk cleanUp with everything checked in (cleanmgr /sageset:50). This ensures that all superseded updates are gone. After that I sysprep and mount the VHD. I then do a "/cleanup-image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase" on that drive and then capture the image. I see your point about updated Apps. That's one thing to consider I guess but then again you said that they must be outdated by now as MS must have released newer versions in past 2 months. So apart from that I'm good I guess?
yes PD has an auto-detector ... and by the way, enterprises are finished. I decided not to process N-version due to very low traffic, same with edu versions. Facing the end of July same work has to be redone because the anniversary thing will be available then. At that point all new stuff will show in the X-files section