Wait til 10am redmond time, download the updates released at that moment, integrate them in the 10586.0 iso and you have a more recent one
Zpaq is a way of adding files by date to a backup system. It's more of a way to do systemic backups based on a schedule without re-archiving the entire thing every time. <wrong>What it doesn't do: It doesn't deduplicate chunks of files in the same way that server deduplication does. What I mean is that it has limitations of ram, dictionary size, chunk size, etc. it doesn't hash data and store the chunks based on the hash like server does.</wrong> It works more like a traditional archiving program except that it just adds new data to the backups based on date.
I'm more of an integration process guy, than a details guy, but I can say that there's a fair amount of waste in using the non-updated ones patched with current month cumulative. I haven't done a side by side recently, but I remember playing with the feb updated one and with netfx and recent month update it still fit under 4gb limitation of fat32 filesize for install.wim That might not sound that impressive, but with 5 indexes of updated windows, it's getting harder and harder to do. It's getting to the point where I'd just suggest people install these updated MSDN versions rather than use homebrew updated files. TBH, there's not much point making updated versions if MS is going to put in the effort to pop out these updated Windows isos every few months.
I be collecting this and all future win 10 iso's. Generally, most peoples prefer official microsoft's slipstream iso rather than home brew slipstream iso.
Well it certainly makes you redundant We should box you up and file you away in a cupboard. Deduplicate our members who duplicat M$ hard work. But I see what you mean, but from the point of the normal users ... the last updates offered 0 benefit from the base 10586.0 ISO's as they both needed the same 2 updates, so no added value from the point really of a clean install. These sound like they could be much the same.
I imagine the store apps are updated. I know some of the feature components are updated. This can be a big sticking point in an integration as if a feature needs to be updated it's an automatic size increase as you cannot /resetbase That aside, the language packs are designed for the MSDN releases in mind and everything is just engineered to work from MS's releases, so integrations are typically inferior in many ways. I could definitely see the frustration of trying to help people get the releases every few months if you're doing multi-language, though. That's a lot of down/up. Unfortunately for me, my upload speed and connection are garbage since I moved, so I'm not much help at all.