the minute someone leaks it from VLSC, It will be there for sure. MSDN, dunno. IF it does go to MSDN, it will be leaked from MSDN shortly after MS posts it. A lot of us waiting on it
i'm not looking for the free offer, i just want windows 10 enterprise in hebrew, can i install the english version and after download and install hebrew MUI???
In the "[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Build 10240" Therad in page 167 there are langauge packs including hebrew. I don't have 20 posts so I can't post a link
Are we gonna receive "Official" 10240 or in other words RTM 28th of July as a favor rather than getting with public? I remember that I saw something like that.
Confirming Windows 10 RTM-Pro HomeRTM Build: 10240.16384.150709-1700 Wzór is the same build distributed to beta testers of programa insiders(by WU) .... right?
hrm.. pretty sure, almost definitely more than a maybe. Guess that is a positive maybe, better than a negative one LOL sorry guys, Ill stop
Whoa! Everyone misunderstood my "maybe". I meant maybe this is the 1000th time one of us is answering that question to which the answer is YES.