There is no key anymore, your hardware id and Microsoft activation server. Unless you go and buy retail version.
Hello. As it is with numbers: 10.0.10240.16393 (Win 10 RTM - (info from AIDA64 Extreme) or 10240.16405.150725-1815.th1 - after installing, downloading update, build number in the registry editor what I get is: BuildLab: 10240.th1_st1.150717-1719 BuildLab: 10240.16393.amd64fre.th1_st1.150717-1719 Do you have the same thing?
I can confirm that WZORT iso installs Windows 10 Pro with different splash screen. For example in his ISO, I could monitor the setup progress during installation. However, the same installation ISO I got from Windows does it in the background... So there was a little difference after all.
Question : any new kms keys for pro enterprise home ? sorry if im making mistake about the rules the on the first page i read the cold zero post but kms keys link not working its removed
This is not a solution. Let's not start the same discussion again. I want a single pinned icon in taskbar.
Yes. Dragging it from the Start Menu; creating a shortcut in the desktop and then dragging it; unpping it and opening just the Skype then pin it. Literally everything.
I'm showing the pin to taskbar option by rightclicking on various store apps here.. Does it just not work with skype?
I think he means that when you pin it to the task bar then run it from there you get a second icon on the title bar. Used to happen with Chrome in Windows 8 too.
I have double outlook 2013 icons in task bar. I have one pinned and when I open outlook a 2nd icon is in the taskbar right next to each other.