That would be homebrew. Both links are not allowed on MDL. If you want the UUP converted ISO just download it by using UUPDL and use UUP>ISO v14 to convert it to ISO.
Are these of any help?
Improved version of the EN-to-XX script Spoiler Code: :: drag and drop a Source file onto this batch @echo off set SmvExec=%ProgramFiles%\SmartVersion\smv.exe set OutDir=.\EN2XX-SVF :: max number of SMVs to run simultaneously set RunInst=1 cd /d "%~dp0" if not exist "%OutDir%" md "%OutDir%" if %RunInst% gtr 1 set _nowait=start "" /b call :_StrFind "%~n1" x86 x64 32bit 64bit x32 for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`dir "%~dp1*%_filter%*%~x1" /b /a:-d`) do ( if "%%~i" neq "%~nx1" if not exist "%OutDir%\%%~ni.svf" ( if %RunInst% gtr 1 call :_ProcWait smv.exe %RunInst% %_nowait% "%SmvExec%" BuildPatch "%OutDir%\%%~ni.svf" "%~1" "%~dp1%%~i" -nbhashbits 24 -compressratio 192 -sha1 -nomd5 echo. ) ) exit :_StrFind echo %~1 | find /i "%~2" >nul if %ErrorLevel% neq 0 ( shift /2 if "%~2" neq "" goto _StrFind ) set _filter=%~2 exit /b :_ProcWait for /f %%i in ('tasklist /fi "ImageName eq %~1" ^| find /i /c "%~1"') do ( if %%i geq %2 ( timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul goto _ProcWait ) ) exit /b
cant find link or alive torrents for ja_windows_10_enterprise_2015_ltsb_x64_dvd_6850774.svf anywhere, does anyone here have an alive download link for this? (exe patch also welcomed, 2016 version welcomed too)
I notice there is no en_us or just en_ for LTSB on your repo. The only close thing is en_gb is this the right svf to run? for USA? I'm not sure what the SVF procedure does exactly ... except for replacing/merging files. Sorry about the ignorance so I can get LTSB 1607 iso and the latest 1709 iso and run SVFSFX from Enthousiast and they will merge? Microsoft announced that March cumulative updates were the last for LTSB 1607, im simply looking for a solution. I dont want or care about 1709 features, I simply care about security and privacy. Thanks in advance!! Check source iso.
I must have misunderstood, some other post led me here recommending processing 1607 with svf to upgrade 1709. But maybe I was just hoping that's what SVF did. So is SVF a compression format that holds ISOs? or language packs? Sorry about the noob question, I am trying to understand it without going hands on (downloading... and VM-ing),
Open the current svf2sfx tool using 7zip and drag and drop the new/desired smv.exe in it and close it, it will be saved.