If someone can give me the EVAL url's for 2015 LTSB (or when not existing, any 1507 EVAL url) i can create the patches for @s1ave77 his MVS ISO tool.
All SVF patches are uploaded: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-svf-repository.63324/page-118#post-1444931 The iso's will be available at @s1ave77 SVF ISO tool, asap
Now i made direct svf from en-US EVAL source > non EVAL XX (all langs) + N If you want it otherwise, just let me know
Where can i download: pp_windows_server_version_1803_x64_dvd_12063794.iso or pp_windows_server_version_1803_x64_dvd_12063794.svf? I have googled and cannot find it!
Thanks, but i already have that. I wanted PP (Portuguese Portugal version) or the SVF file to convert EN to PP...!!
Ohh okay i get it now (I'm new to this). A little question what would be the best way to get/make a Windows 10 Enterprise 17134.112 Edition?
By downloading the 17134.112 ISO I would advise to download the 17134.1 iso and the most current SSU, CU (17134.137) and Flash update, integrate them yourself using W10UI_4.8.