Semi-offtopic. My svf patching routine follows that order every single time - download the source iso on my server, because I keep it archived there - download the svf patch on my desktop - move the source iso to the desktop - convert it to the destination iso on the desktop with svf2iso converter - move the destination iso back to the server, next to the source iso and most time is wasted by moving stuff back and forth. Can I skip all that and do something like this Code: smv x somepatch.svf right on the server where the source iso is located, so that the destination iso will be created where it will eventually be stored? The server runs linux and I already have the linux version of the smv executable there.
@jim_p SVF eXtractor (svfx.exe) can do that in Windows from a source located on a Linux server You can address location to source path, svf path, destination path.
Expect some trial and error yes. There is also this SVF extractor v2.bat that do this job in similar way, only in bulk and only in Windows environment. Your Linux command should look similar: Code: <./smv x "name_of_file.svf" -br .>
@Sajjo Do you have a link to that bat file? I checked what svf2iso runs when it comes to svf extraction with smv and all I found is this Code: smv x %siname%.svf -br . so I am still searching what the parameter "-b" is for ("-r" is for recursive). And there is that dot at the end The same will apply to the linux executable I guess.