Chopping/modifying will not create a LTSC in anyway, and this thread is about using SVF patches to create original MSFT ISOs.
SVF eXtractor great gui and scripts show an error of bad checksum wrong iso for the svf in above comment i give the source for my en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_updated_nov_2019_x64_dvd_24cb9de7.iso i spend alot of time to make it success to even extract any thing as i understood from reading you transfer the consumer one to businesses iso without need to download a fresh businesses one so you extract decompress the Buss to .sfv and recompile to the consume etc! . great work would try it later..
LTSC is: Other source ISO, other patches, for @GezoeSloog his repo's: Source 1809 Consumer en-US ISO > 1809 Consumer xx-XX ISO > 1809 Enterprise 2019 LTSC xx-XX ISO.
Greetings, Is it possible to reupload spanish Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB N (x64)? es_windows_10_enterprise_2015_ltsb_n_x64_dvd_6848415.iso Thanks in advance.