All right When I have my web app online, I would like to ask you for access to be able to complete if you want
I can provide you zips with the files but not access and i don't know how long i will be able to do either. But you'll need to make the files publicly available.
Yes of course, I could show you the website when it's finalized, all the files will be accessible for everyone in a few clicks.
19044.1288.211006-0501.21h2_release_svc_refresh_CLIENT_LTSC_EVAL_x64FRE_en-us.iso -> *ru-ru windows 10 iot enterprise ltsc 2021 x64 ?
For those who are interested:
Not sure caus' only "Enterprise, Education and IoT Entreprise" still alive... Home and Pro have reached EOL
es-mx_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_22h2_updated_aug_2023_x86_dvd_37c02837.txt 400 Bad Request After relash website, everthing is fine