ffffffff.iso fffffffF.iso ffffffFF.iso fffffFFF.iso ffffFFFF.iso fffFFFFF.iso ffFFFFFF.iso fFFFFFFF.iso FFFFFFFF.iso Ffffffff.iso FFffffff.iso FFFfffff.iso FFFFffff.iso FFFFFfff.iso FFFFFFff.iso FFFFFFFf.iso FffffffF.iso FFffffFF.iso .iSo .Iso .isO and so on could get by with many in one folder that way on a linux box
linux can have case sensitive names. Windows cannot have ABCd.iso and ABCD.iso in same folder, linux can have AbCd.iso aBCd.iso abCD.iso etc in the same folder
AutoCRC32 changes the hash to all Fs. It was the initial file tampering detection hash and it was extremely flawed
Windoze has always been case insensitive. NTFS attributes may actually allow a file name to be recorded exactly as typed, but apps using system calls convert names to UC. I've tried Win10 Pro, and it's as ugly as Windows for Workgroups, circa 1993. Classic Shell improves it a bit. If that's what Win10 offers then I'll be back to Linux. THis thread covers switching Enterprise MILF to LGBT, or whatever. Is there an edition switcher, as per Win7? I have the Pro ISO file. Can I get a small diff file and convert it to LGBT?
id still prefer AutoCRC aswell as sha1 as when we dont get a match on sha1 we would have some clue if sha1 was misreported or the file on msdn is duff.
no no edition switcher SmartVersion make .svf patches from one iso to other a other prog that do this is xDelta if both iso (source and target) do not differ much -> the patch is very small this save for all win10 MSDN isos about 700-800 GB on space 1.5 TB (for now w/o VLs) "GezoeSloog" need more info sha1 and file name like Code: from 30AD1CDF5D0670F12788005131E24862F6AB8AAB *en_windows_10_enterprise_x64_dvd_6851151.iso to 264D48C902E6B586A1ED965062F7DA4D4DA99B35 *en_windows_10_enterprise_2015_ltsb_x64_dvd_6848446.iso x86 / x64 crosover patches are verry big (but smaler than original target iso) - but dont ask here - do it by yourself
Request: File: en_windows_10_multiple_editions_x86_dvd_6848465.iso SHA-1: d927a91e1dd7d9c6023d0da1dbcb16defec5b6c1 to File: 10240.16384.150709-1700.TH1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-US.ISO SHA-1: e7138032986bfcfa0e5f1a8e41e2e9fd1ec94268
please read thread before you post see #783 below en_windows_10_multiple_editions_x86_dvd_6848465_to_en_windows_10_enterprise_x86_dvd_6851156.svf en_windows_10_enterprise_x86_dvd_6851156.iso = 10240.16384.150709-1700.TH1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-US.ISO
Hello, i'm looking for svf from Code: en_windows_10_n_multiple_editions_x64_dvd_6846434.iso en_windows_10_n_multiple_editions_x86_dvd_6846435.iso to Code: it_windows_10_n_multiple_editions_x64_dvd_6846968.iso it_windows_10_n_multiple_editions_x86_dvd_6846972.iso I'm sure that some day ago i read in this thread a post about, but now i can't find it Can anyone help-me? Many thanks.
actually i'm looking for a single svf patch file for that... en_windows_10_multiple_editions_x86_dvd_6848465_to_10240.16384.150709-1700.TH1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-US.svf something like this...
i cant understand you is it to hard for you to extract 10240.16384.150709-1700.TH1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-US.iso and rename 10240.16384.150709-1700.TH1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-US.iso TO en_windows_10_multiple_editions_x86_dvd_6848465.iso ?????? or do you have other intensions EDIT2 (damm M$ confuse me): sorry2 i mean extract en_windows_10_enterprise_x86_dvd_6851156.iso and rename en_windows_10_enterprise_x86_dvd_6851156.iso TO 10240.16384.150709-1700.TH1_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-US.iso M$ DreamSpark File Name MSDN File Name both ar the same file with same hash
x64 is it. Yes. I'd have though such a diff file (in the Unix sense) would be near as large as the original. I d/led my "Pro x64" file from a torrent. That's how it was labelled. The SHA1 turns out to be SHA1=60cce9e9c6557335b4f7b18d02cfe2b438a8b3e2 Thus I already have the multiple editions x64 ISO. Moral of the story: check the ISO length is a multiple of 2048, and check the hash sum. ---------------------------- After some more playing with W10 it appears it's going to be a bitch with older drivers. I have an old USB wifi driver for Win7, with sig, and W10 won't accept it. Reports can be found of some older Nvidia drivers wreaking havoc with W10 upgrades. I'll stick with W7 on my mission-critical Flight Sims and video editors.
Thank you so much. Now I keep swapping between pause/continue to shorten the total time to about one hour. OK. I will upload to other site for others convenience. 1/2/3 hours is really too long for two tiny files - like my MEGA upload speed. And you could see HOW I HATE IT forever. [hu-hu] SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_64bit_Hungarian_MLF_x20-25645.svf [hu-hu] SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_32bit_Hungarian_MLF_x20-25641.svf Mega my pcloud