Professional VOL (Chinese-Traditional) need help to get Professional VOL (Chinese-Traditional) Code: SHA1 ??? *[zh-tw] SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_32bit_ChnTrad_MLF_x20-25785.iso SHA1 ??? *[zh-tw] SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_64bit_ChnTrad_MLF_x20-25789.iso
Code: Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x64) File Name: en_windows_10_enterprise_2015_ltsb_x64_dvd_6848446.iso Language: English SHA1: 264D48C902E6B586A1ED965062F7DA4D4DA99B35 h ttps://!4ZNV1R6Z!cQ8WjQHV6wBGvPGOS9iZl_dcEVZqPfxWfZ7e3wkucC8 Code: Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB (x86) File Name: en_windows_10_enterprise_2015_ltsb_x86_dvd_6848454.iso Language: English SHA1: ABE400AD86C604197A3B163E31AFCC1B7C53325E h ttps://!kU1FSJzS!lEEAYNS2dOutzVrmRezUx6xDyykaeqkZ4zPxlOG5GNs Code: Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB N (x64) File Name: en_windows_10_enterprise_2015_ltsb_n_x64_dvd_6848316.iso Language: English SHA1: DBE728416545EA3E47FBA05575E81AD0F595871F h ttps:// Code: Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB N (x86) File Name: en_windows_10_enterprise_2015_ltsb_n_x86_dvd_6848317.iso Language: English SHA1: E9E214F128ED325CBA8782CE1946727807340C8B h ttps:// to all languages h ttps:// h ttps://
thank you! Do you have Windows 10 Education VOL (Chinese-Traditional) need help to get Education VOL (Chinese-Traditional) SHA1 ??? *[zh-tw] SW_DVD5_Win_Edu_10_32bit_ChnTrad_MLF_x20-?????.iso SHA1 ??? *[zh-tw] SW_DVD5_Win_Edu_10_64bit_ChnTrad_MLF_x20-?????.iso
Do you have Windows 10 Education VOL (Chinese-Traditional) need help to get Education VOL (Chinese-Traditional) SHA1 ??? *[zh-tw] SW_DVD5_Win_Edu_10_32bit_ChnTrad_MLF_x20-?????.iso SHA1 ??? *[zh-tw] SW_DVD5_Win_Edu_10_64bit_ChnTrad_MLF_x20-?????.iso Thanks!
MSDN 02D3174B7853AA3465828B0AE1D3D6A0C22AFD57 *en_windows_10_education_x64_dvd_6848120.iso BB26243771F911C26D0FB9BE3171D3F1C74615A3 *en_windows_10_education_x86_dvd_6848121.iso VLSC 0CDF262E78389F78FEA2BECE0D3262C0ABEC1C40 *SW_DVD5_WIN_EDU_10_32BIT_English_MLF_X20-27061.ISO 196F8EB23499E051B0C031C46C42722E82D0B33C *SW_DVD5_WIN_EDU_10_64BIT_English_MLF_X20-27065.ISO They have different sha1.
Very good. Thank you. And here is the script I use for KMS-QADhook to integrate all found Office editions. Neat and efficient. Code: :O14O15Slipstream :64 call:IE 64 :32 call:IE 32 goto:WINDOWS :IE for /f "tokens=2 delims=\ " %%A in ('reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\MountedDevices') do if exist %%A\support\Office\%~1\*.ww (call:O14O15Setup "%%A" "%~1"&goto:WINDOWS) goto:eof :O14O15Setup for /f %%i in ('dir /b/a:d "%~1\support\office\%~2\*.ww" 2^>nul') do (%~1\support\Office\%~2\setup.exe /config %%i\config.xml) goto:eof In this way, put all ISOs/SVFs together with the source file(s) in a folder, and it will create all SVFs/ISOs. (But you need to modify the script for SVF or ISO, of course.)