Just got a heads up that VLSC images for 1511 got posted. I don't have access. I just wanted to share the info.
Hi Threat EDIT, never mind the two non N versions, Paul's torrent seems to have come alive, thanks Paul I'm after these four, the two non N are on Paul's, but can't download from him for some reason. The N's are not around anywhere yet: Code: ab0975fd973f301a549bb5969a732e106b40b349 *da_windows_10_education_version_1511_x64_dvd_7223837.iso 4ff11fe9d5a9731cc30fbb7f1c99c711f25d6360 *da_windows_10_education_version_1511_x86_dvd_7223841.iso 486911dfd3c5ef98acddc39625944af98214674b *da_windows_10_education_n_version_1511_x64_dvd_7224790.iso 0a76294b0ee5f512f5716903ddbf5360f4d9c5f2 *da_windows_10_education_n_version_1511_x86_dvd_7224802.iso I have the four multiple editions in DA, which can be source for svf'
Oz if you get any of those Edu iso's down could you share svf files - Source can be from any of the other 1511 iso's either en_ or da_
@ALL I'm after these four N Files. The N's are not around anywhere yet. (all other 8files i have) Code: 4870c152ed99bc59465c57efb7898064c9ab611c *de_windows_10_enterprise_n_version_1511_x86_dvd_7224376.iso 2f84860332ebfd05374a6870c5ce1827041c7e98 *de_windows_10_enterprise_n_version_1511_x64_dvd_7224361.iso 5324725740560f4f4a88f32d6667bbfd0752fdb9 *de_windows_10_education_n_version_1511_x86_dvd_7224902.iso 5a12668768de4a11a156aa855cbac709bd1c3d7e *de_windows_10_education_n_version_1511_x64_dvd_7224899.iso
ent N x86 ~ 18h ent N x64 -> current no feedback from magnet education N files still missing since Paul only allow 1 file download torrent is realy a pain for me it would be nice if somebody has n files please share svf files TIA
@Enthousiast Your PM box is full So... Yes, I had to change from Lang-to-Lang to Edition-to-Edition due to limited cloud size Do you have all langs of Enterprise N and Education (non N) already?
Now i'm converting all pro iso's to enterprise (non N), then i'll create the en-us ent > ent all langs sfv.sfx files. Education (non N) is downloading one by one from pauls x files. ps, i deleted some pm's so it should work again