SVF files are not comparible to MUI files, SVF files are used to re-create the original iso in the desired language. SVF = the difference between two iso's (to be very short and badly translated from my native language )
Hi Enthousiast, please SVF.SFX file for pt_windows_10_enterprise_n_version_1511_x64 (portuguese Brasilian)! Thanks for your work!
N-Versions only designed for countries inside the European Union (coz judgment) K and KN -version only designed for Korean (coz judgment) english K, KN and N exist coz multilingual support therefore only pt-pt Portuguese-Portugal have N version and pt-br Portuguese-Brazil have none N version
Hi I have seen some selfextracting exe files instead of svf files. When run in the same dir as source, you will get your new iso. Anybody know how that is done? Would like to learn
Thanks LostEd But are you also able to help with a link. Tried google search, but can't find anything.
hello everyone, I would like your help to create a SVF patch as follows: having as base pt_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1511_x64_dvd_7223774.iso >> ENT.svf EDU.svf SL.svf I have all the iso en ESD, I lay on the subject as I can be doing this. Thanks to all who can help.
SVF files have to be made from official (MSDN/VLSC) source to be compatible with every downloaded (verifyable) source file. Iso's made from ESD are not official, every iso created by that method has it's own checksum. So your source file won't be the same as a MSDN iso.
Have someone svf for el-gr Spoiler File Name:el_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1511_updated_feb_2016_x86_dvd_8379671.iso Languages:Greek SHA1:1CFFEE3C190EE30013BD6E951DE0A4DE58E3DC5A File Name:el_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1511_updated_feb_2016_x64_dvd_8379621.iso Languages:Greek SHA1:47798603DE047B1F26A1BD6A1A625072FD961F72