e.g. Code: folder/ Source: ar_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1511_updated_feb_2016_x64_dvd_8378752.iso <-- Must have in folder with SFX SFX: ar_windows_10_education_version_1511_updated_feb_2016_x64_dvd_8380076.exe <- run this with source in folder / = Target: ar_windows_10_education_version_1511_updated_feb_2016_x64_dvd_8380076.iso <-- get this
OK, it works only with "overwrite all" option This will extract all SVFs from script directory to OutDir: Code: @echo off set smv=C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartVersion\smv.exe set OutDir=E:\New folder (3) if not exist "%OutDir%" md "%OutDir%" for %%i in ("%cd%\*.svf") do ( call :_sub "%%~fi" "%cd%" "%OutDir%" ) exit :_sub cd /d %3 "%smv%" x %1 -br %2 -o echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exit /b
SVF Patches are only for MSDN Versions? or there is patches for VLCS Versions? I need patches to get: SW_DVD5_WIN_EDU_N_10_1511_32BIT_English_MLF_X20-82229.ISO SW_DVD5_WIN_EDU_N_10_1511_64BIT_English_MLF_X20-82230.ISO From: SW_DVD5_WIN_EDU_10_1511_32BIT_English_MLF_X20-82159.ISO SW_DVD5_WIN_EDU_10_1511_64BIT_English_MLF_X20-82160.ISO
Yes my svf/sfx patches need the Multiple Editions iso's to recreate the VLSC iso's, this is because the MSDN source iso's can be publicly downloaded and/or are provided by Paul's "X" Files. So your desired patches are there but you need to simply download the source iso from the "X" Files/Wzor/Techbench (the iso's from techbench need to be renamed to match the MSDN iso's filenames to get the svf/sfx patches to work).
Hello, I have a stupid question: does anyone know the exact name of SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_10_1511.1_32BIT_Italian_MLF_X20-[nnnnn].iso SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_10_1511.1_64BIT_Italian_MLF_X20-[nnnnn].iso SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_N_10_1511.1_32BIT_Italian_MLF_X20-[nnnnn].iso SW_DVD5_WIN_ENT_N_10_1511.1_64BIT_Italian_MLF_X20-[nnnnn].iso ? I can't find this info because these iso are the only equal to msdn so wzor wrote msdn name's. Thanks Gezoesloog! edit: corrected some typo error
Is it possible to update from en_windows_10_multiple_editions_x64_dvd_6846432.iso TO en_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1511_updated_feb_2016_x64_dvd_8379634.iso