It says from version 1511 to Feb update. My iso is 10240 do i need any middle update to make it first 1511 ?
@gezoesloog Spoiler can the LTSB SVF files for the various languages be posted too for Feb 2016? or the Nov 2015 version? Can you rename tthe #Pro subdirectory names to "MultiEdition Pro ..." so that one knows that it contains the multi editions versions?
Thanks. I got the LTSB files. However, which version of Win10 iso is used to reconstruct the LTSB? v10240, v10586, v1511? Any links to the required iso files?
@Enthousiast @gezoesloog Spoiler I downloaded one of the executable files and it extracts to an SVF with the smv.exe 3.0 tool. It tells me I need the english 2016 ltsb iso file which your signature link doesn't have a copy. The same would apply to both 32/64 bit versions. The sig doesn't have the 32/64 N versions. Can you post the isos that go with LTSB? Moreover, @gezoesloog ltsb 32/64 and N svf versions seem to use the english multiple edition Pro and Pro Iso's to recreate the various language LTSB and N LTSB isos. However, that site doesn't have the english LTSB iso's used to create these either. For the LTSB eng x86 it is en_windows_10_multiple_editions_x86_dvd_6848465.iso that is needed to construct this. Apparently to construct any LTSB language version one must have the multiple edition in that language vs. not just the english one.
@enthusiast Spoiler Thanks. Since you use the english ltsb version from Paul X across all your SVF files (but no N versions posted), the Paul X files and your svfs can be used to reconstruct the various ltsb language versions. Gezoesloog uses i.e en_windows_10_multiple_editions_x86_dvd_6848465.iso which is v10240 and the english ltsb svf to recontsruct the english ltsb. For another language, he uses the multiple edition iso for that given language along with that languages svf to reconstruct the ltsb for that languageand so on. This is true if one downloads the svfs from the PRO N to LTSB N, and the PRO to LSTB subdirectories. However if you copy the svfs in the LTSB and LTSB N subdirectories, it appears that the only the english ltsb iso can be used with each language ltsb svf to recontsruct that languages ltsb iso. So in this case the Paul X files for ltsb iso can be used to help reconsruct a languages ltsb iso.
Spoiler Thanks all, I think I've figured out @enthuiast and @gezoesloog which starting ltsb iso you both used with your svf's. As you mentioned I can use the Paul X files. Note: I've corrected my previous post #1275 to explain what i did. What through me off was the two different subdirectories for @gezoesloogs ltsb svfs the "LTSB/LTSB N" vs. the "PRO TO LTSB/PRO N TO LTSB N" and which set of starting isos were used with each svf to reconstruct the language isos. One set uses the english LTSB iso and a language ltsb svf to reconstruct that languages ltsb, whereas the second set of "PRO..." subdirectories uses that languages multiple edition iso to reconstruct that langagues LTSB iso and does not use just the english multiple edition for any language. Therefore, @Gezoesloog, if one tries to find the multiple edition one to reconstruct the LTSB isos in the "PRO N to LTSB N/PRO to LTSB" subdirectory, it may be difficult to find older versions i.e. v10240 since Paul X may update the multiple edition to i.e. Feb 2016 and it wouldn't be available unless ones searches the network.Or in my case when I tried to get the Paul X v1511 isos using the magnets, seeders disappeared and I have half complete isos or some at 98% and unfinished for the last month. This is why I'm doing the svf way.
Yes, but I don't see any profit to use it. A new -128 is slightly faster than -9, but makes bigger output files (at first sight). So I'm staying on -49
I tried to install on Windows XP Sp3. It complains about missing VCruntime140.dll. You'll need to get the 32/64 Visual Studio C++ 2015 redistributable from /en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145