Testing atm with two esd's. It runs but i'm almost off to bed ps, also found out why script didn't work, "set FindStr=.iso" has to be .esd
yeah got it running now, when you get up Ill have either a size posted or a svf if its small enough hehe. have a good one
will do, no work till Monday. hell, I can make a MDL Logo -> ISO haha clientpro_to_clientsinglelanguage.svf 2.51 GB (2,700,855,612 bytes) <-- huge yeah
thank you for trying... it's quite shocking, as i was expecting it to be few MB's (both ESD's are almost 2.7GB)
but you need to understand how smartversion/delta patches work. It isn't because of the size difference. Even if they were exact same sizes the patch could come out the same size or larger than either or both original files. SVF/Deltas work with the DIFFERENCES between two files, were this file has (11111112222999) and this file has (11111112222888), the patch would contain the only the difference of the two (999 v.s. 888) leaving the rest out (11111112222) as its redundant (both files have it). The ESD's being encrypted have entirely different sets of bits in each file 12345 and 67890. So the difference is a total difference. That is why with Windows 7 iso's the difference between Ultimate and Home Pro. for example is very small. There are only one or two files in both of them that are different between the two. Very small patch in that case.
That's what i meant to say Only a new post, but i have to delete some previous files from the filehost, 6 accounts and all full When I have all the 1607 files up i'll see what to do with 1511, 1511.1 and 1511.2 and LTSB 10240. But because of gezoesloog has all previous files saved, maybe i'll only do the most recent ones, 1607 for now.