Any news about this?, If you have troubles with very long post just send my a PM with x86 MEXX>ALLXX, please. Thanks in advance
Was hoping to be able to include the VLSC iso's, but the Bulk Download SVF patches are already posted, x86 and x64 (only en-US VLSC Pro (N) + Edu (N) x64).
Can anyone teach me how to create SVF? MDL search is hard to understand. It just gives 10 page result and nothing related to what I searched for. If any one can point me towards the SVF creation guide it really will be helpful. Didn't mean to post in this thread but thought not to create a thread. I will request mods to delete this post once I find a guide. Thanks for understanding.
@Oz after the "hack" the thread about SVF losted so this is recovered from a old thread i like (someone) to start a new HOW-to stuff 4 svf's & some batch's, but my english are not good
You're doing just fine buddy The one you linked just need to be moved into Application Software and locked in place.
Some batches I saved from the old thread about SVF and modified some things for my needs: MakePatch.cmd Code: @echo off if [%1]==[] (echo Usage: MakePatch.cmd SourceFile.ext DestFile.ext & exit /b) if [%2]==[] (echo Usage: MakePatch.cmd SourceFile.ext DestFile.ext & exit /b) set smvexec=smv.exe set svfname=%~n1_TO_%~n2.svf cd /d "%~dp0" if exist "%svfname%" (echo %svfname% already exists & exit /b) "%smvexec%" BuildPatch "%svfname%" "%~1" "%~2" -nbhashbits 24 -compressratio 49 -sha1 -sha256 echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exit /b Have smv.exe, batch, and both ISOs in the same folder and type in the prompt: MakePatch Source.iso DestFile.iso Batch-Extract.cmd Code: @echo off cd /d "%~dp0" for %%f in (*.svf) do ( smv x %%~nxf -br . echo. echo ---------------------------------------- echo. ) pause exit /B Extract all the .svf files that are in the same folder as the batch. Be sure to have Source ISO, SVF files, batch and smv.exe in the same folder.
Korean 1703 VLSC Code: 78BF837F7D3511DF5B216D3EC1FA8047982279CE *SW_DVD5_Win_Edu_10_1703_32Bit_Korean_MLF_X21-36577.iso 91323673F8A357CD26CB7C13BDD0AD25097DFD0A *SW_DVD5_Win_Edu_10_1703_64Bit_Korean_MLF_X21-36578.iso D5963E67818B4F91DE6455B11EA37A655B60146A *SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_1703_32Bit_Korean_MLF_X21-36749.iso CCDEA29D060320301426168AF3D7292389F3B9F5 *SW_DVD5_Win_Pro_10_1703_64Bit_Korean_MLF_X21-36750.iso patches are up to the collectors cloud
May i ask where to find the "collectors cloud" ? It makes no sense to publish svf's that aren't publicly available.
But that makes sense (for all who are also willing to give)! What makes no sense is to share files with others who do not do anything here, just begging and thinking about themselves. You are not . You always share everything, but you invite all Homer Simsons by this way.
Isn't it a forumrule that all shares on MDL should be openly availabe? You don't share, you trade, what would someone have to share if they are here to find it? Have asked you and oz before, got no answer. We see many people asking, the one who asks is single.